Use On Review


by the Planning Commission

Approve the development plan for an attached residential subdivision with up to 9 lots, a peripheral setback of 25 ft along the side lot lines for lots 1 and 3, and a 10 front yard setback when the front lot line is adjacent to the common parking lots, subject to 2 conditions.

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request


Property Information

4904 E. Emory Rd.

Southeast side of E. Emory Road, east side of Thomas Lane

Commission District 7

1.94 acres

Place Type Designation
LDR (Low Density Residential)

Currently on the Property
SFR (Single-Family Residential) & AgForVac (Agriculture/Forestry/Vacant Land)

Growth Plan
Planned Growth Area

Case Notes

Disposition Summary
Approve the development plan for an attached residential subdivision with up to 9 lots, a peripheral setback of 25 ft along the side lot lines for lots 1 and 3, and a 10 front yard setback when the front lot line is adjacent to the common parking lots, subject to 2 conditions.
Staff Recommendation
Approve the development plan for an attached residential subdivision with up to 9 lots, a peripheral setback of 25 ft along the side lot lines for lots 1 and 3, and a 10 front yard setback when the front lot line is adjacent to the common parking lots, subject to 2 conditions.
1) Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance.
2) The maximum height of the primary structures shall be 35 feet.

In the exercise of its administrative judgment, the Planning Commission shall determine if the proposed plan is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the zoning ordinance and adopted plans.

PR (Planned Residential) up to 5 du/ac:
a) The PR zone allows attached-dwelling development (townhouses) as a permitted use. The administrative procedures for the PR zone require the Planning Commission to approve the development plan before permits can be issued (Article 5, Section 5.13.15).
b) This PR zone district is approved for a maximum of 5 du/ac. The proposed density is 4.92 du/ac with the right-of-way dedication removed from the total lot area.
c) The maximum height is determined by the Planning Commission for any use other than houses and duplexes. Staff recommends a maximum height of 35 ft, which is consistent with the maximum allowed on surrounding properties.
d) The peripheral setback is 35 feet, however, the planning commission may reduce it to 15 feet when the adjacent property is zoned agricultural or residential. The applicant is requesting a 25 ft peripheral setback along the side lot lines of lots 1 & 3. Since the structures on these two lots face E. Emory Road, these 25' peripheral setbacks will be side yards, which typically have a smaller setback than front and rear yards.
e) The Planning Commission has the authority to approve a front setback less than 20 ft for residential uses other than houses, except that the front setback cannot be less than 15 ft from a street or road right-of-way. Since this is an attached residential development and there is a parking lot between the lots and the road right-of-way, the Planning Commission can approve the requested 10 ft front setback.

a) Ensure that the context of new development, including scale and compatibility, does not impact existing neighborhoods and communities (Policy 9.3) - Staff is recommending a maximum height of 35 ft, which is consistent with the allowed height on adjacent properties.

a) The property is classified LDR (Low Density Residential), which allows consideration of up to 5 du/ac. The development will have a density of 4.92 du/ac.

4) Knoxville - Farragut - Knox County Growth Policy Plan
a) The property is within the Planned Growth Boundary. The purposes of the Planned Growth Boundary designation are to encourage a reasonably compact pattern of development, promote the expansion of the Knox County economy, offer a wide range of housing choices, and coordinate the actions of the public and private sectors, particularly with regard to the provision of adequate roads, utilities, schools, drainage and other public facilities and services.

What's next?

As a Use On Review case, the Planning Commission's decision is final, and it will not be heard by a legislative body unless it is appealed.

The appeal deadline - August 13, 2022 - has passed.

The Process

Matthew Blackmon / Blackmon Construction Services, Inc.

Case History