Property Information
Location224 Cogdill Rd
Northeast side Cogdill Rd. southwest side Parkside Dr., and west of Pellissippi Parkway (I-140)
Council District 2
Size6.43 acres
Planning SectorSouthwest County
Currently on the Property
Growth PlanUrban Growth Area (Inside City Limits)
- Utilities
SewerFirst Knox Utility District
WaterFirst Knox Utility District
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
APPROVE GC (General Commercial) limited to C-6 zoning
Staff Recommendation
APPROVE GC (General Commercial) limited to C-6 zoning .
GC limited to C-6 zoning would permit commercial development of the site, while requiring staff approval of a site plan where street access could be restricted to Parkside Dr. only. The Sector Plan designates this site for office and low density residential development.