Plan Amendment

Central City Sector Plan Amendment


Recommended for approval
by the Planning Commission

Approve GC (General Commercial) sector plan designation.

See case notes below



Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Details of Action

APPROVE GC (General Commercial) sector plan designation.

Applicant Request


Property Information

115 E Depot Ave

Northwest side E. Depot Ave., northeast of N. Central St.

Commission District 6

21,300 square feet

Central City

Land Use Designation? MU-SD (MU-CC3)

Currently on the Property
Vacant (parking)

Growth Plan
Urban Growth Area (Inside City Limits)

Case Notes

Staff Recommendation
DENY GC (General Commercial) sector plan designation.
This particular MU-SD (MU-CC3) mixed use special district within the Central City Sector Plan specifically excludes GC (General Commercial) uses from the list of recommended land uses. See attached excerpt from the sector plan containing the description of the MU-CC3 special district. Approval of GC for this site would be a spot sector plan amendment that is not warranted based on the criteria for amendments of the sector plan.

City Council reviewed the initial rezoning request of I-3 for this property, which was denied by MPC, upon appeal from the applicant. After reviewing the rezoning request and hearing from the applicant, City Council directed MPC and City staff to consider C-4 zoning of the property as an alternative to the requested I-3 zoning. It was the opinion of Council that C-4 zoning would permit the expansion of an existing business without increasing the industrial zoning in the area, which is transitioning from industrial uses to mixed uses. Commercial uses in this area are permitted in zoning designations identified in the MU-SD (MU-CC3) land use classification but outdoor storage is not permitted by the identified zoning. City Council has determined that the existing business is a viable enterprise that is appropriately located and should be permitted to expand. The business contributes to the vitality of the area and Council is of the opinion that the use, with outdoor storage, is appropriate in this location. While the GC sector plan designation would be a spot sector plan amendment, the City Council is responsible for setting policy for the City of Knoxville. Thus, the change in the planning policy document as directed by City Council is an appropriate action.

***If MPC wishes to recommend approval of the C-4 zoning, the City Council initiated amendment to the Central City Sector Plan from MU-SD (MU-CC3) to GC must also be recommended for approval.
Disposition Summary
Approve GC (General Commercial) sector plan designation.
Details of Action
APPROVE GC (General Commercial) sector plan designation.

What's next?

After the Planning Commission
This Plan Amendment case in the City was recommended for approval. The appeal deadline - April 27, 2018 has passed.

Knoxville City Council

Case History