Design Review Board

Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 4-J-21-IH, with the condition that final specifications of dormer window be submitted to staff for approval.

468 Chickamauga Ave. 37917

Jonathan Jonathan Wilkins

Applicant Request
Additions visible from the primary street
1. The proposed addition will replace an existing dormer on the rear roof slope of the house. Placement of the dormer addition is appropriate.

2. The overall scale of the dormer addition is comparable to the existing dormer on the front roof slope, including the proposed roof pitch.

3. The dormer will receive cedar-shake siding compatible with the house's Craftsman design and an asphalt shingle roof to match the existing house.

4. If the proposed addition is to hold a bedroom, a window appropriately sized for egress would be required. The dormer appears sufficiently large to accommodate an egress window, if necessary; final specifications of window selection should be submitted to staff for approval

Staff Comments
Proposed rear dormer addition. Property is a corner lot and addition is visible from Chickamauga Ave and Felts Street. Existing dormer is small, low-pitch, shed-roof dormer with a small two-light window. To accommodate additional interior space, applicant proposes to remove the shed-roof dormer and add a gable-roof dormer to reflect the general proportions and design of the gable-roof dormer on the façade.

Proposed dormer will feature a 6.75/12 pitch roof with fascia and eave overhangs to reflect details on the main house. Dormer will measure 124" wide and 109" tall (base of dormer to roof peak). The roof peak will be set 346.5" from the right side of the primary roof gable. The dormer will feature an asphalt shingle-clad roof to match the house, and be clad in cedar shake siding. The dormer has a small two-light rectangular window.

Jonathan Jonathan Wilkins

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795

Case History