
Final Plat


by the Planning Commission

Approve the variance reducing the right-of-way width to 25 ft wide so that it matches up with the longer portion of the previously approved 25-ft wide joint permanent easement since there is not much distance left before the access terminates.

Approve the subdivision plat because it is in compliance with the subdivision regulations.


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request

Resubdivision of the Jerry L. Price Property


1) Reduce the Private Right-of-Way width from 40 ft to 25 ft.
2) Eliminate the requirement for a turn-around area to be constructed.

Property Information

1923 E. Governor John Sevier Hwy.

West of East Governor John Sevier Highway, abutting French Broad River

Commission District 9

1.31 acres

Place Type Designation
LDR (Low Density Residential) & HP (Hillside Protection) & W (Water)

Currently on the Property
SFR (Single-Family Residential)

Growth Plan
Planned Growth Area

Case Notes

Disposition Summary
Approve the variance reducing the right-of-way width to 25 ft wide so that it matches up with the longer portion of the previously approved 25-ft wide joint permanent easement since there is not much distance left before the access terminates.

Approve the subdivision plat because it is in compliance with the subdivision regulations.

Staff Recommendation
Approve the variance reducing the right-of-way width to 25 ft wide so that it matches up with the longer portion of the previously approved 25-ft wide joint permanent easement since there is not much distance left before the access terminates.

Approve the subdivision plat because it is in compliance with the subdivision regulations.
1) This plat is a re-subdivision of a small parcel abutting the French Broad River. It was first platted in 2001 with a 25-ft joint permanent access easement (JPE) in anticipation of a larger subdivision on the remainder of the larger property. The easement met the requirements in place at the time of the plat.
2) However, physical access to the property has been via a shared driveway with adjacent properties to the southwest. That shared driveway was recorded in 2013 as a 25-ft JPE and provides access to three properties, though one has direct access off of John Sevier Highway and could have its own access. The other properties utilizing the JPE are not part of this plat.
3) The subject property being replatted is at the end of the line of properties utilizing the access, and the larger section of the access strip up to this point is 25 ft.
4) There is already a turnaround area provided at the end of the driveway, though it does not meet Fire Code standards. The Seymour Volunteer Fire Department has sent a letter stating that they have served the property before and used the boat ramp to turn around.
5) Staff supports both variances since the Fire Department does not need the turn-around space and the access easement is a minor extension of an existing easement that was approved by all departments in a prior plat.
6) However, if the remainder of the larger lot out of which the subject property were to be developed, and the subdivision provided a new access to this property, such access would be required to meet the Subdivision Regulations, as would any additional means of access for other properties.

What's next?

Because of its location in the COUNTY, appeals will be heard by Knox County Chancery Court.
Final Plat appeals will be heard by the Planning Commission.
Appeals of Concept Plans and Final Plats are filed with Chancery CourtThe Process

Resubdivision of the Jerry L. Price Property

Terry E. Romans

Case History