Applicant Request
Close Street
From Kingston Pk.
its intersection with Gore Rd
To Walden Dr., Block 49330
its eastern terminus
Reason for Closure
Opal Avenue is a dead end street terminating at Cherokee Country Club, Inc.'s property. Cherokee Country Club, Inc. is the sole owner of all property abutting the southern border of Opal Avenue. Cherokee Country Club, Inc. desires to close Opal Avenue to allow for the redevelopment of this property.
ObjectionsAT&T and and the City of Knoxville Engineering Department have requested to retain all easements that may be in place.
Comments / Recommendations
Approve the request to close Opal Avenue, subject to retaining all easements, since staff has received no objections and closure would not adversely affect surrounding properties.
What's next?
This Row Closure case in the CITY was recommended for approval. The appeal deadline - May 26, 2023 has passed.