Street Name Change



Approve the name change of the unnamed easement to Debusk Lane as requested by the Knox County Emergency Communications District.


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request

From W Beaver Creek Drive
To Powell Drive
Proposed Street Name
Debusk Ln.

Reason for Change

"Debusk Lane" has been used informally since the 1980s for the unnamed easement, owned by Knox County, between W Beaver Creek Drive and Powell Drive in Powell (parcel 067 05305). Several businesses use a "Debusk Lane" address, which is a significant concern for the Knox County Emergency Communications District (911) due to the potential for delayed emergency services. Since the Knox County Commission never accepted the easement as public right-of-way, an official street name must be determined prior to acceptance of the street.

Property Information

0 unnamed easement

Commission District 7

Growth Plan
Planned Growth Area

Case Notes

Disposition Summary
Approve the name change of the unnamed easement to Debusk Lane as requested by the Knox County Emergency Communications District.
Staff Recommendation
Approve the name change of the unnamed easement to Debusk Lane as requested by the Knox County Emergency Communications District.
1. The Knox County Emergency Communications District (Knox 911) has proposed the street name for this unnamed subject easement to avoid potential delayed emergency services, as described in the applicant's reason for change, in light of this easement being discussed to be accepted as an official street.
2. The name 'Debusk Lane' is currently used in two different locations (see Exhibit B, letter from Addressing staff), creating a safety concern for emergency services. This request, along with another ongoing street name change process, aims to resolve the issue.
3. Since the 1980s, the proposed name has been used informally for this unnamed subject easement serving several businesses between W Beaver Creek Drive and Powell Drive (zip code 37849). However, the Knox County Commission never accepted this easement as public right-of-way and so an official street name was never determined.
4. The current official location of Debusk Lane is within the Debusk Park subdivision, on the north side of Kingston Pike and east of Wakefield Rd (zip code 37922). There is a separate street name change in progress for this portion.
5. Approval of this request will cause six addresses to be reassigned. On behalf of Knox 911, Planning coordinated with the property owners adjacent to the unnamed easement for their opinion on the proposed street name change. After conferring with the owners, the preferred option was to use 'Debusk Lane' (see Exhibit B).
6. Planning has received no objections to the renaming of this right-of-way.
7. The name change meets all requirements of the County's Code of Ordinances (Chapter 54, Article II).

What's next?

This Street Name Change case in the COUNTY was recommended for approval. The appeal deadline - June 8, 2024 has passed.

Brad ANDERS / Knox County Emergency Communications District

Case History