Design Review Board

Edgewood Park Infill Housing Overlay District


3311 Shaw Dr

Danny Danny Mitchell Knoxville Habitat for Humanity Knoxvil

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
Staff Comments
Site Plan - The front yard setback is 38' with a 6' deep porch extending into the setback. The north side setback is 7.13' and the south side yard setback is 14.07'. A tree will be planted in the front yard space. The driveway is 58' long and 12' wide and extends 20' past the habitable portion of the house. A private sidewalk connects the front porch to the public sidewalk.

Architectural Elevation - The front elevation shall contain a 16' wide X 6' deep porch located towards the left side (when looking from the street) of the façade. The front façade shall contain three prairie style windows and one door that faces the street. The porch roof shall be a gable that faces the street and is supported by 6" square columns with a brick base.

All details shall be consistent with the approved plans.

Danny Danny Mitchell Knoxville Habitat for Humanity Knoxville

Planning Staff
Jeff Archer
Phone: 215-2500

Case History