Consideration of an amendment to the Knoxville City Code, Appendix B, Zoning Code, Article 12.5, Parking Lot Perimeter Landscape Yard, and Article 12.6, Interior Parking Lot Landscape Yard, deleting language regarding parking lot expansion or improvements.
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
Approve amendments as requested.
Staff Recommendation
Approve amendments as requested.
Staff recommends approval of amendments to the Knoxville Code, Appendix B, Zoning Code, Article 12.5, Parking Lot Perimeter Landscape Yard, that provides language that is consistent with the proposed changes to Off-Street Parking Article 11.1.B and updates the landscape reference to Section 11.1.B., and Article 12.6, Interior Parking Lot Landscape Yard, that provides language that is consistent with the proposed changes to Off-Street Parking Article 11.1.B and removes a reference that is no longer found in the removal of Section 11.1.C from Article 11 Off-Street Parking.What's next?
This Ordinance Amendment case in the was recommended for approval. The appeal deadline - May 26, 2023 has passed.