Automatic withdrawal
by the Planning Commission
The regulations established in this zone are intended to provide optional methods of land development which encourage more imaginative solutions to environmental design problems. Residential areas thus established would be characterized by a unified building and site development program, open space for recreation and provision for commercial, religious, educational, and cultural facilities which are integrated with the total project by unified architectural and open space treatment.
The TO, Technology Overlay Zone, is established to provide for physical development review in the Tennessee Technology Corridor area of the county by the Tennessee Technology Corridor Development Authority (TTCDA). Within the TO, Technology Overlay Zone, no base zoning may be changed, no variance from the provision of the zoning ordinance may be granted and no building or grading permit may be issued prior to the issuance of a certificate of appropriateness by the TTCDA except for a residential or agricultural use or any use within the Town of Farragut or City of Knoxville defined by the jurisdictional boundaries at the time of enactment of Private Chapter No. 148, Senate Bill No. 1230 of the Private Acts of 1983, hereafter referred to as the Act unless otherwise set forth below.
Southwest side of Gray Eagle Ln, southwest of Eagle Spring Ln
Commission District 3
Appeals can be filed with the Knox County Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) or a court of competent jurisdiction within 30 days of the Planning Commission's decision (Knox County, Tennessee Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Zoning, 6.50.08).