Amendments to Article 4, Section 11b, C-7 Pedestrian Commercial District, and associated sections of the Knoxville Zoning Ordinance creating design guidelines for the Cumberland Avenue C-7 area
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
APPROVE the amendments
Staff Recommendation
APPROVE the amendments
At the request of City Council, the proposed amendment was referred back to MPC and has been revised to provide that appeals of the Design Review Board are to be heard by the Metropolitan Planning Commission. Currently, they are heard by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
The Cumberland Avenue Corridor Design Guidelines and the proposed amendments to the C-7 Pedestrian Commercial District regulations will implement the land development principles of the recently adopted Cumberland Avenue Corridor Study within the C-7 Pedestrian Commercial District. These amendments will allow the control of new development within the C-7 District until a form based zone is developed for the larger geographic study area.What's next?
This Ordinance Amendment case in the was recommended for approval. The appeal deadline - July 27, 2007 has passed.