Design Review Board

Level 1: Minor alteration of an existing building/structure


SCOPE: This streetscape project includes State Street from Union Avenue to Summit Hill Drive, Commerce Avenue from State Street to S Central Street, and S Central Street from Summit Hill Drive to Union Avenue.
SUMMARY: Working in conjunction with Marble Alley LLC, the city is rebuilding crumbling and in some places nonexistent infrastructure to support the new residential development currently under construction.
1. Rebuild existing sidewalks.
2. Create protected on street parking.
3. Install trees and other landscaping.
4. Stamped asphalt at identified crosswalks.
5. LED street lighting.
1. State Street will be converted from a one-way to two-way street from Summit Hill Drive to Union Avenue.

Public property along State St, Central St, and Commerce Avenue.
Applicant Request
SCOPE: This streetscape project includes State Street from Union Avenue to Summit Hill Drive, Commerce Avenue from State Street to S Central Street, and S Central Street from Summit Hill Drive to Union Avenue.
SUMMARY: Working in conjunction with Marble Alley LLC, the city is rebuilding crumbling and in some places nonexistent infrastructure to support the new residential development currently under construction.
1. Rebuild existing sidewalks.
2. Create protected on street parking.
3. Install trees and other landscaping.
4. Stamped asphalt at identified crosswalks.
5. LED street lighting.
1. State Street will be converted from a one-way to two-way street from Summit Hill Drive to Union Avenue.

Staff Comments
The public streetscape improvements proposed are in coordination with the sidewalk improvements proposed as part of the Marble Alley Lofts development. The applicable Marble Alley Lofts landscaping plans are attached for reference.
Applicable guidelines:
The public realm is composed of streets, sidewalks, and public open spaces. Public space is defined by development and supports a diversity of uses. It promotes transit use and pedestrian activity. It can be considered the outdoor room created by surrounding buildings.
Consider pedestrians first, then transit, then the automobile in designing and developing downtown places. Public utilities and streetscape amenities should be located to support safe, convenient, and unimpeded pedestrian flow. Due to the nature of the narrow downtown streets with low traffic speeds it is relatively safe to bike within the downtown area. However, bike lanes and greenways leading to downtown, and places to store bicycles once downtown should also be considered.
1a. Prioritize pedestrian safety and comfort through public amenities, such as pedestrian-scale lighting, benches, and trash receptacles.
1b. Require sidewalks and crosswalks that are accessible to all and are aesthetically pleasing.
1d. Widen sidewalks to accommodate street trees and amenities with a minimum 5-foot clear pedestrian passage.
1e. Establish a furnishing zone in which the sidewalk furniture creates a buffer for pedestrians from vehicular traffic.

Beautifying downtown can occur through many different elements including architecture, landscape architecture, horticulture, art, and performing art. These elements provide expressions of local history and culture. They contribute to local identity and unique qualities of downtown. Public spaces should be designed to include art and beautification.

4a. Foster downtown beautification with landscaping and plantings, public art, and public open space.
4c. Plant street trees where possible. Choose tree planting locations that will not significantly alter the setting of, or harm the materials of historic buildings.

Case History