Proposed removal of brick masonry chimney on rear (northwest) roof slope. Two brick masonry chimneys on front roof slope will receive masonry repairs and custom caps. The scope of work also includes repair to the existing roof where the chimney will be removed.
Staff Comments
Queen Anne, c.1895
Two-story frame residence with a hipped roof with paired front-gable dormers projecting to the front elevation. Two-story, three-quarter width front porch with round wood columns.
Roofs 3. Repair or replace roof details (chimneys, roof cresting, finials, attic vent windows, molding, bargeboards, and other unique roof features).
Masonry 4. Identify and preserve masonry features that define the historic character of the building, including walls, railings, foundations, chimneys, columns and piers, cornice and door and window pediments.