Approve PR (Planned Residential) zoning up to 3 du/ac because it is compatible with surrounding development and consistent with the sector plan, subject to 2 conditions.
See case notes below
Approve PR (Planned Residential) zoning up to 3 du/ac because it is compatible with surrounding development and consistent with the sector plan, subject to 2 conditions.
This zone provides for a wide range of agricultural and related uses as well as residential uses with low population densities and other compatible uses which generally require large areas or open spaces.
The regulations established in this zone are intended to provide optional methods of land development which encourage more imaginative solutions to environmental design problems. Residential areas thus established would be characterized by a unified building and site development program, open space for recreation and provision for commercial, religious, educational, and cultural facilities which are integrated with the total project by unified architectural and open space treatment.
West side of E. Governor John Sevier Highway, due south of Old French Road
Commission District 9