
Concept Plan


by the Planning Commission

APPROVE variances 1-4 because of topography, and the proposed variances will not create a traffic hazard.
APPROVE variance 5 because the property is not under the control of the applicant.
APPROVE the Concept Plan subject to 12 conditions:

See case notes below



Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Details of Action

1. Connection to sanitary sewer and meeting any other relevant requirements of the Knox County Health Department.
2. Provision of street names which are consistent with the Uniform Street Naming and Addressing System within Knox County (County Ord. 91-1-102).
3. Upgrading Gardner Ln. from the entrance to the subdivision southwest to Heiskell Rd., to a pavement width of not less than 20', subject to the standards and requirements of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
4. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
5. Meeting all applicable requirements and obtaining all required permits from the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation for any alteration to the blueline stream.
6. Obtaining a determination from the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation regarding any wetlands on the property and meeting all applicable requirements and obtaining all required permits for any alteration to such wetlands.
7. Adjust the subdivision boundary at the entrance so that all grading and alteration of the blueline stream will be on property owned by the applicant. This property line adjustment must maintain the required building setbacks for buildings on the adjoining property.
8. Place a note on the final plat that all lots will have access only to the internal street system, except for Lot 55 (lot with existing access to Gardner Ln.).
9. Making the following lot changes to the Concept Plan: a) In the area of Lots 37 - 41, reduce the lots by two, so that all lots will have a minimum width of at least 125'; b) Increase the depth of Lots 13 - 15 by including a portion of the property that adjoins those lots to the southeast, following approximately the 1130' contour; and c) In the area of Lots 1 - 5, reduce the number of lots by one in order to increase the buildable area on the triangular shaped Lot 1.
10. Meeting all requirements of the approved use on review development plan.
11. A revised Concept Plan reflecting the conditions of approval must be submitted to MPC Staff prior to the Design Plan being submitted for review.
12. A final plat application based on this concept plan will not be accepted for review by the MPC until certification of design plan approval has been submitted to the MPC staff.

Applicant Request

Cottonwood Subdivision
55 (Split)
Proposed Density
2.4 du/ac


1. Broken back tangent variance at station 13+00 on Cottonwood Meadow Rd., from 150' to 86.68'.
2. Horizontal curve variance at station 12+00 on Cottonwood Meadow Rd., from 250' to 150'.
3. Horizontal curve variance at station 14+00 on Cottonwood Meadow Rd., from 250' to 150'.
4. Intersection grade variance for Road B at Cottonwood Meadow Rd., from 1% to 2%.
5. Intersection radius variance at the northeast intersection of the right-of-way of Cottonwood Meadow Ln. and Gardner Ln., from 25' to 0'.

Property Information

Northwest side of Gardner Ln., northeast of Heiskell Rd.

Commission District 6

23 acres

Currently on the Property
Residence and vacant land

Growth Plan
Planned Growth Area

Case Notes

Staff Recommendation
APPROVE variances 1-4 because of topography, and the proposed variances will not create a traffic hazard.
APPROVE variance 5 because the property is not under the control of the applicant.

APPROVE the Concept Plan subject to 12 conditions:

1. Connection to sanitary sewer and meeting any other relevant requirements of the Knox County Health Department.
2. Provision of street names which are consistent with the Uniform Street Naming and Addressing System within Knox County (County Ord. 91-1-102).
3. Upgrading Gardner Ln. from the entrance to the subdivision southwest to Heiskell Rd., to a pavement width of not less than 20', subject to the standards and requirements of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
4. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
5. Meeting all applicable requirements and obtaining all required permits from the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation for any alteration to the blueline stream.
6. Obtaining a determination from the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation regarding any wetlands on the property and meeting all applicable requirements and obtaining all required permits for any alteration to such wetlands.
7. Adjust the subdivision boundary at the entrance so that all grading and alteration of the blueline stream will be on property owned by the applicant. This property line adjustment must maintain the required building setbacks for buildings on the adjoining property.
8. Place a note on the final plat that all lots will have access only to the internal street system, except for Lot 55 (lot with existing access to Gardner Ln.).
9. Making the following lot changes to the Concept Plan: a) In the area of Lots 37 - 41, reduce the lots by two, so that all lots will have a minimum width of at least 125'; b) Increase the depth of Lots 13 - 15 by including a portion of the property that adjoins those lots to the southeast, following approximately the 1130' contour; and c) In the area of Lots 1 - 5, reduce the number of lots by one in order to increase the buildable area on the triangular shaped Lot 1.
10. Meeting all requirements of the approved use on review development plan.
11. A revised Concept Plan reflecting the conditions of approval must be submitted to MPC Staff prior to the Design Plan being submitted for review.
12. A final plat application based on this concept plan will not be accepted for review by the MPC until certification of design plan approval has been submitted to the MPC staff.
Disposition Summary
APPROVE variances 1-4 because of topography, and the proposed variances will not create a traffic hazard.
APPROVE variance 5 because the property is not under the control of the applicant.
APPROVE the Concept Plan subject to 12 conditions:

Details of Action
1. Connection to sanitary sewer and meeting any other relevant requirements of the Knox County Health Department.
2. Provision of street names which are consistent with the Uniform Street Naming and Addressing System within Knox County (County Ord. 91-1-102).
3. Upgrading Gardner Ln. from the entrance to the subdivision southwest to Heiskell Rd., to a pavement width of not less than 20', subject to the standards and requirements of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
4. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
5. Meeting all applicable requirements and obtaining all required permits from the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation for any alteration to the blueline stream.
6. Obtaining a determination from the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation regarding any wetlands on the property and meeting all applicable requirements and obtaining all required permits for any alteration to such wetlands.
7. Adjust the subdivision boundary at the entrance so that all grading and alteration of the blueline stream will be on property owned by the applicant. This property line adjustment must maintain the required building setbacks for buildings on the adjoining property.
8. Place a note on the final plat that all lots will have access only to the internal street system, except for Lot 55 (lot with existing access to Gardner Ln.).
9. Making the following lot changes to the Concept Plan: a) In the area of Lots 37 - 41, reduce the lots by two, so that all lots will have a minimum width of at least 125'; b) Increase the depth of Lots 13 - 15 by including a portion of the property that adjoins those lots to the southeast, following approximately the 1130' contour; and c) In the area of Lots 1 - 5, reduce the number of lots by one in order to increase the buildable area on the triangular shaped Lot 1.
10. Meeting all requirements of the approved use on review development plan.
11. A revised Concept Plan reflecting the conditions of approval must be submitted to MPC Staff prior to the Design Plan being submitted for review.
12. A final plat application based on this concept plan will not be accepted for review by the MPC until certification of design plan approval has been submitted to the MPC staff.

What's next?

After the Planning CommissionAppeals of Concept Plans and Final Plats are filed with Chancery CourtThe Process

Cottonwood Subdivision

Garron Land Surveying

Case History