Property Information
Location4515 W EMORY RD
North and south sides of W Emory Rd, west of Rio Grande Dr
Commission District 6
Size52.62 acres
Place Type DesignationLDR (Low Density Residential), HP (Hillside Protection), SP (Stream Protection)
Currently on the Property
Agriculture/Forestry/Vacant Land, Rural Residential
Growth PlanPlanned Growth Area
- Utilities
SewerHallsdale-Powell Utility District
WaterHallsdale-Powell Utility District
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
Approve the requested variances and alternative design standards based on the justification provided by the applicant and recommendations of Knox County Engineering and Public Works.
Approve the concept plan subject to 11 conditions.
Staff Recommendation
Approve the requested variances and alternative design standards based on the justification provided by the applicant and recommendations of Knox County Engineering and Public Works.
Approve the concept plan subject to 11 conditions.
1) Connection to sanitary sewer and meeting other relevant utility provider requirements.
2) Provision of street names consistent with the Uniform Street Naming and Addressing System within Knox County (County Ord. 91-1-102).
3) Meeting the approved development standards in the preliminary plan for the Belltown planned development (11-A-22-PD).
4) Provide the dimensional standards for the Single Family Designated Area of the Belltown preliminary plan, Section 8.1, on the final plat (Exhibit B).
5) The design details of Road ?A? shall be worked out during the design plan phase with Planning Commission staff and Knox County Engineering and Public Works, including but not limited to the width and length of the curb extensions at intersections.
6) Complying with the terms and conditions of the proposed Knox County Road Ordinance (Exhibit C) by partnering with Knox County to implement the recommended improvements to the W. Emory Road and Clinton Highway intersection (Exhibit A) as outlined in the Belltown Planned Development Traffic Impact Study (Cannon & Cannon, 3/20/2023), and as revised and approved by Planning Commission staff, Knox County Engineering and Public Works, and Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT).
7) The amenity located on the ?Common Area & Amenity? lot on the concept plan shall start construction before home construction begins in any subsequent phase of the single family designated area. The amenity shall be in keeping with what was presented on the Master Plan Map, Exhibit J in the Preliminary Plan document, which shows a structure, pool, and parking. The cemetery must be included in the amenity plan, showing it in context to the proposed amenity and any modifications to the cemetery, such as fencing and pedestrian access.
8) If any building construction is proposed within the 50-ft buffer area around the designated sinkholes/depressions (including the depressions), a registered engineer must prepare a geotechnical report to determine soil stability. That report must be submitted to the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works for consideration. Any construction in these areas is subject to approval by the County following a review of the report. Engineered footings must be designed for these areas. For those lots that do not have a building site outside of the 50-ft buffer, approval by Knox County will be required prior to final plat approval. The sinkholes/depressions and 50-ft buffer shall be designated on the final plat even if they are approved to be filled.
9) Alleys shall be platted and maintained as private right-of-way.
10) Providing a detailed landscape plan for the W. Emory Road frontage and, if necessary, the western boundary of the development, consistent with the requirements of Section 8.1.4 (Peripheral Boundary) of the Belltown preliminary plan. This shall be reviewed and approved by Planning Commission staff during the design plan phase.
11) Meeting all applicable requirements and obtaining all necessary permits from TDOT.