Level I
Recommended for approval
Property Info
Case Notes
What's next?
Applicant Request
− +Property Information
− +Location
2635 Byington Solway Rd.
South side of Byington Solway Rd, north of Ball Camp Byington Rd
Commission District 6
2.07 acres
Currently on the Property
Case Notes
− +Staff Recommendation
1. Level 1 Review: as the application proposes a 180' tall Type 2 Monopole in the Industrial district, with no additional deviations from the development standards listed in 4.92.D and no exceptions to the standards for minimum height or minimum spacing between towers, the proposed new tower can be evaluated as Level 1 review and granted a COA by Planning staff.2. Tower type, height, and collocation: the proposed new tower is a Type 2 Monopole, at 180' tall. The proposed tower can accommodate four (4) antenna arrays (one proposed for initial lessee and space for three future arrays). The base station will contain adequate space for four separate lease areas for ground equipment.
3. Separation: the proposed tower meets the zoning code requirements for standards (separated from other towers by a minimum of 1,500'). There are no existing towers to collocate upon within 1 mile of the proposed tower.
4. Driveway access: the proposed access, extending south of Byington Solway Road, will use a 12' wide, paved drive within a 20' wide access and utility easement. The access and drive will meet standards of 2012 IFC, Section 503.1.4, which can be ensured during permitting.
5. Landscaping and screening: the proposed landscaping will meet the standards of a 12' wide planting area with a 5' planting buffer within the lease area, and a 7' donated landscape buffer. Flexibility in the landscape buffer standards was approved by the Knox County Board of Zoning Appeals (24-Z0018) on May 22, 2024. The buffer contains evergreen trees that will be 6' tall at the time of planting; a break in the planting area measuring 12' wide is on the west side of the lease area. The landscaping will surround an 8'-tall chain-link security fence.
6. Equipment shelter: the overall 87'-7" by 63'-4" by 82'-1" by 128'-11" lease area contains a 76'-4 by 56'-8" by 71'-7" by 113' fenced compound, with a proposed 30' by 10' equipment area with 7'-7" tall equipment cabinet for the lessee. The overall lease area contains space for three additional lease areas. The proposed equipment does not exceed 400 square feet per provider or 12' tall in height.
7. Setbacks: the proposed tower will be set approximately 580' from the nearest PR zone (over 110% of the 180' tower). The applicant has received relief from 25' minimum setback requirements for the perimeter fence setback from the Knox County Board of Zoning Appeals (24-Z0018) on May 22, 2024.
8. Lighting: at a proposed height of 180' tall, the FAA will not require lighting or marking per FAA requirements.
8. The proposed WCF is not in a residential zone, nor within 2,000' of a Scenic Highway, Tennessee Parkway, or Historic District, and is not subject to visual impact requirements.
10. The applicant has met all application submittal requirements, including a letter of commitment from a cellular provider, complete site plans and drawings, a statement of purpose, collocation consent, and a documentation of no towers or structures feasible for collocation within one mile.
What's next?
− +- Appeal to Because of its location in the COUNTY, appeals will be heard by Knox County Commission
Michael Sandifer Vogue Tower Partners VII, LLC and Verizon Wireless
Case History
- June 1, 2024
by the Planning Commission
- June 26, 2024
Date Filed