Design Review Board


1201 Connecticut Ave

Monty Monty Fairchild

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure: Driveways, parking pads, access point, garages or similar facilities
Staff Comments
Architectural Building Elavations - The proposed house will have 5/12 roof pitch, vinyl siding, an exposed foundation (as seen from Connecticut) with a minimum of 2' exposed foundation and a maximum of 4' exposed foundation. The finished floor evelvation shall be 105.6'. The exposed foundation shall be treated with a stuco surface. The front porch is located to the left portion of the front façade and is 8' deep and 16' wide. The roof over the porch and structure has a gable, as seen from Connecticut Avenue. The front dooor and a window measuring 36" X 48" is on the portion of the house with the porch. On the rightside of the front façade (non porch area) is a 72" X 48" widow. The windows shall have a grill pattern on the top sach and no grills on the bottom.

Plot Plan - A driveway off the front shall be established and shall extend 20' behind the front habitable portion of the house. The side yard hall be adjusted to 8' on the non driveway side and 16' on the driveway side. The front yard setback shall be 25'.The finished floor elevation shall be 105.6 feet with a maximum of 4' of exposed foundation on the front of the house, facing Connecticut Avenue. A tree shall be planted in the front yard. A private walkway will extend from the front porch steps that face the street and will run streight to the property line.

All dimensions above are from the submitted application and included as part of the Certificate of Appropriateness. The applicant is expected to build according to these approved plans.

Monty Monty Fairchild

Planning Staff
Jeff Archer
Phone: 215-2500

Case History