Details of Action
APPROVAL of the requested Waivers to:allow the proposed development without applying the Hillside and Ridgetop Development standards as identified in the Design Guidelines (Section 1.12)
APPROVAL of a Certificate of Appropriateness for a Building Permit, subject to the following conditions:
1) Site lighting must comply with the Design Guidelines (Section 1.8). A lighting/photometric plan shall be provided, to be reviewed and approved by staff.
2) Meeting all relevant requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance, as appropriate.
3) Meeting all relevant requirements of the Knox County Engineering and Public Works Department.
4) Connection to sanitary sewer and meeting any other relevant requirements of the utility provider.
5) Review and approval by the Knox County Fire Marshal's Office.
6) Installation of the southbound left-turn lane on Solway Road at the entry to the apartment as outlined in the Traffic Impact Study for Solway Apartments prepared by Fulghum MacIndoe & Associates, Inc., as last revised on June 29, 2020 and as approved by the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works. Knox County will require this southbound left-turn lane to be constructed prior to the construction of the second phase of the apartment development.
7) Prior to the submission of an application for the second phase of the apartment development, the applicant shall meet with Tennessee Department of Transportation staff to determine the limits of the right-of-way that may be needed for the Coward Mill Road to Solway Road bridge.
8) Working with the Knox County Greenways Coordinator on establishing the 20' wide greenway easement that is identified on the development plan.
Property Information
Location0 Solway Rd.
Northeast side of Solway Road, southwest side of Pellissippi Parkway, and at the eastern end of Sam Lee Road.
Commission District 6
Size40.86 acres
Currently on the Property
Vacant land
Case Notes
Details of Action
APPROVAL of the requested Waivers to:allow the proposed development without applying the Hillside and Ridgetop Development standards as identified in the Design Guidelines (Section 1.12)
APPROVAL of a Certificate of Appropriateness for a Building Permit, subject to the following conditions:
1) Site lighting must comply with the Design Guidelines (Section 1.8). A lighting/photometric plan shall be provided, to be reviewed and approved by staff.
2) Meeting all relevant requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance, as appropriate.
3) Meeting all relevant requirements of the Knox County Engineering and Public Works Department.
4) Connection to sanitary sewer and meeting any other relevant requirements of the utility provider.
5) Review and approval by the Knox County Fire Marshal's Office.
6) Installation of the southbound left-turn lane on Solway Road at the entry to the apartment as outlined in the Traffic Impact Study for Solway Apartments prepared by Fulghum MacIndoe & Associates, Inc., as last revised on June 29, 2020 and as approved by the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works. Knox County will require this southbound left-turn lane to be constructed prior to the construction of the second phase of the apartment development.
7) Prior to the submission of an application for the second phase of the apartment development, the applicant shall meet with Tennessee Department of Transportation staff to determine the limits of the right-of-way that may be needed for the Coward Mill Road to Solway Road bridge.
8) Working with the Knox County Greenways Coordinator on establishing the 20' wide greenway easement that is identified on the development plan.
Staff Recommendation
Based on the reasons stated in the applicant?s waiver letter and the site constraints, staff recommends APPROVAL of the requested Waivers to:
1) Allow the proposed development without applying the Hillside and Ridgetop Development standards as identified in the Design Guidelines (Section 1.12)
Based on the application and plans as submitted and revised, the staff recommends APPROVAL of a Certificate of Appropriateness for a Building Permit, subject to the following conditions:
1) Site lighting must comply with the Design Guidelines (Section 1.8). A lighting/photometric plan shall be provided, to be reviewed and approved by staff.
2) Meeting all relevant requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance, as appropriate.
3) Meeting all relevant requirements of the Knox County Engineering and Public Works Department.
4) Connection to sanitary sewer and meeting any other relevant requirements of the utility provider.
5) Review and approval by the Knox County Fire Marshal's Office.
6) Installation of the southbound left-turn lane on Solway Road at the entry to the apartment as outlined in the Traffic Impact Study for Solway Apartments prepared by Fulghum MacIndoe & Associates, Inc., as last revised on June 29, 2020 and as approved by the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works. Knox County will require this southbound left-turn lane to be constructed prior to the construction of the second phase of the apartment development.
7) Prior to the submission of an application for the second phase of the apartment development, the applicant shall meet with Tennessee Department of Transportation staff to determine the limits of the right-of-way that may be needed for the Coward Mill Road to Solway Road bridge.
8) Working with the Knox County Greenways Coordinator on establishing the 20' wide greenway easement that is identified on the development plan.