Design Review Board

Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 6-B-22-IH, subject to the following conditions:
1) Applicant to submit final porch drawing to staff, including proposed materials, locations, and dimensions for porch columns and railing;
2) Site plan to remain within the dimensional standards of the RN-2 zoning district;
3) Final site plan to meet City Engineering requirements.

134 E. Emerald Ave. 37917

Gary Gary Koontz

Applicant Request
Additions visible from the primary street; Changes to porches visible from the primary street; Driveways, parking pads, access point, garages or similar facilities
1. The brick porch supports and foundation are not original to the house and most likely date to the 1920s to 1930s (having acquired historic significance on their own). The front porch enclosure is also not original. Removing the materials enclosing the front porch to recreate the porch's original footprint and transparency of the porch is appropriate within the guidelines. The structural capacity of porch columns and foundation won't be fully clear until the applicant moves forward with investigatory demo. Whether retaining the brick foundation and columns or installing new columns, after completing the investigatory demolition, the applicant should submit final drawings to staff, including proposed materials, locations, and dimensions for columns and railing.

2. The rear addition meets the design guidelines as it is located on the rear of the house and uses a roofline and roofing materials compatible with the original house. The rear addition will occupy the footprint of a rear addition which will be removed. Guidelines note that exterior covering and roof materials should be selected "that are like those original to the house." The proposed lap siding will be compatible, yet differentiated, from the sawn shingle siding the applicant intends to repair and maintain on the main house.

3. As shown on the site plan, the proposal meets the base zoning code for building and impervious coverage, but any modifications to the site plan should stay within the dimensional standards of the base zoning.

4. Guidelines note that "on corner lots, a driveway to the garage may be provided off the side street." City Engineering will also require the driveway to extend off McMillan Street due to drainage issues. Final modifications to the site plan may be necessary to meet City Engineering requirements.

5. The applicant will need to create a lot of record and record a new subdivision plat for the property prior to issuing a building permit.

Staff Comments
Modifications to front porch, new rear addition, and new parking pad.

Front porch was enclosed in multiple phases to provide additional interior space. Applicant proposes to remove enclosure and restore a front porch with the same footprint (9' deep by 20' wide), and a 4.5/12 pitch shed roof. The leftmost brick column which intersects the bay window will be removed. The applicant is proposing investigatory demolition to uncover original porch details and proposes to retain the half-height brick wall and right two columns if structurally feasible. Otherwise, the applicant will install 12"-15" round columns and a wood railing. One window will be installed in the original façade window opening.

A 10' deep by 18.6' wide, hipped roof addition will be constructed on the rear. The addition will be clad in lap siding, rest on a stucco-clad CMU foundation, and intersect with the rear-facing gable-roof massing.

The application also includes a new 18' by 18' concrete parking pad to extend off McMillan Street.

Case History