Approved with Conditions
Approve the proposed drive-through facility for a restaurant, subject to 8 conditions.
See case notes below
Approve the proposed drive-through facility for a restaurant, subject to 8 conditions.
The C-G General Commercial Zoning District is intended to provide for a heterogeneous mix of retail, personal service, office, and residential uses within and along Knoxville's commercial nodes and corridors. The C-G District is intended to promote mixed-use development in a pedestrian-oriented environment that recalls the City's traditional business districts, and offers flexibility in the creation of integrated commercial, office and residential spaces. The C-G District is divided into three levels of intensity related to the overall form and design of the development; however, uses are the same across all levels. This district is intended primarily for indoor commercial uses with limited exceptions per special use approval.
The IH Infill Housing Overlay Zoning District is intended to foster infill residential development and major additions that are compatible with the design of original houses in older Knoxville neighborhoods, particularly those built more than 50 years ago along grid streets that often had sidewalks and alleys.
East side of N. Broadway, north side of Edgewood Ave
Council District 4
Land Use Classification MU-SD (Mixed Use Special District), TDR (Traditional Neighborhood Residential), SP (Stream Protectio MU-SD (Mixed Use Special District), TDR (Traditional Neighborhood Residential), SP (Stream Protectio
SU cases do not move forward to City Council unless the request is to remove a planned district designation from the zoning map.