Design Review Board

Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 6-C-24-IH, subject to the following conditions: 1) final site plan to meet City Engineering standards; 2) revisions to façade windows to incorporate double-hung windows or other window styles compatible with the guidelines.

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
1. The duplex is proposed to be set 14' from the front property line. There is only one other structure on the blockface, which does not conform to the RN-4 base zoning. The proposed 14' front setback is appropriate. The site plan includes a walkway to the front street.

2. The block to receive new construction lacks significant context, as it is relatively vacant and adjacent to an industrial site. The proposed two-story, four-bay duplex is proportional to the dimensions of the lot. The overall form of the house, with a hipped roof, is comparable to an American Foursquare (referenced in the design guidelines).

3. The proposed parking meets the Infill Housing guidelines, as it is located to the rear of the house and accessed from an operable alley. Final site plan revisions may be necessary to meet City Engineering standards.

4. The duplex's façade, at 30' wide, is comparable in scale and width to other houses in the broader neighborhood. The foundation height is depicted as a slab on grade; the applicant should clarify the visible foundation height and the foundation should be at least 12" to be compatible with historic houses in the neighborhood.

5. While the proposed entry stoops are not 8' deep per the guidelines, similarly-designed entry stoops have been approved for multi-unit buildings in the Infill Housing overlay. The recessed entry stoops are proportionate to the building and covered by a shed roof.

6. Guidelines recommend that windows and door styles are similar to historic houses on the block, with similar proportions and positions, and similar ratio of solid to void. The large, round-arched windows on the facade are not compatible with the historic context of the neighborhood, where houses typically have double-hung windows. Façade windows should be revised to meet design guidelines.

7. The proposed roofline is similar in pitch to the neighborhood, and the projecting hipped and front-gable massings contribute additional complexity to the design.

8. The building is proposed to be clad in stucco, with an asphalt shingle roof. Stucco is not listed as recommended material in the design guidelines but is not necessarily incompatible with the neighborhood; the Board should discuss the proposed cladding.

Staff Comments
New primary structure fronting Warren Avenue. Two-story duplex features a hipped roof with two projecting hipped-roof massings, an exterior clad in stucco, and a slab foundation. The building measures 30' wide by 49'-6" deep and features a projecting one-story shed-roof massing, with two 3' deep recessed entry stoops centered on the façade. The building is proposed to be set 14' from the front property line. Parking is located to the rear and accessed from the alley.

The façade (north) is four bays wide, symmetrically arranged, with large round-arched, single-light window on a projecting front-gable massings on the outer bays, and recessed entry doors on the interior bays. Upper level windows feature arched, three-part single-light windows and smaller square single-light windows. The right and left side elevations feature projecting shed-roof massings and irregularly spaced, single-light slider windows. The rear elevations feature projecting bay windows on the upper levels.

Greg Greg Smith

Planning Staff
Lindsay Crockett
Phone: 865-215-3795
112 - 114 Warren Ave.

Greg Greg Smith

Case History

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