Design Review Board

Level 2: Major alteration of an existing building/structure
Level 2: Addition to an existing building/structure


This case has been appealed

Staff Recommendation
RECOMMEND File 6-D-12-DT with the following considerations: 1) The hand railing on the pedestrian bridge should have a transparent design but should not incorporate tensioned cable, and 2) Any trees that are removed should be replaced with trees with a similar mature height.Case File
500 State St

Applicant Request
Add one story to the State Street Garage. This includes the addition of one parking deck, extending the two stairwells one story and adding a new roof, add one new stair and elevator tower along State Street, add precast shear walls to break up the façade and add a pedestrian bridge.

The additional story to the parking garage will be designed to look like the existing garage.

The stairwell on the north and south elevations will be extended one story and will have new flat roofs (see sheets A401 and A403). The exterior walls, above the new top parking level, will have the same concrete wall design as the shear wall detail (see sheet A207). There will be one new stairwell/elevator core along State Street (see sheet A404 and A208 for alternative proposals). The existing stairwell/elevator core along State Street will remain unaltered.

There will be shear wall panels added to the outside of the garage on all elevations to break up the facade (see sheets A401, A402, A403 and A404). The wall panels will have a smooth concrete finish with reveals to provide interest (see sheet A207).

There will be a pedestrian bridge that connects the parking garage with the pedestrian walkway next to the movie theater (see sheet A207). The bridge will connect to the parking garage adjacent to the new stairwell/elevator core and will connect to the pedestrian walkway in the same location as the existing escalators, which will be removed. The canopies attached to the movie theater over the escalators will also be removed. The bridge will be made of precast concrete and will be supported by precast concrete columns. The handrails will either be metal railings (cable or other open design) or concrete railings. The concrete railings may be needed to carry the span of the bridge. There will be a staircase located adjacent to the movie theater, in front of the elevator at the pedestrian walkway, that provides access to the bridge and pedestrian walkway from State Street. The elevations of the staircase facing State Street and the pedestrian walkway elevators will have concrete shear walls that match the new shear walls on the parking garage. The hand railings will match those of the pedestrian bridge.

The new trash collection area that was installed in 2011 in front of the parking garage, along the State Street sidewalk, will be relocated to a site to-be-determined.

There are existing mature trees along State Street and Central Street. Some of these trees may need to be removed but this has not yet been determined. A landscaping replacement plan has yet to be produced.

Staff Comments
In regard to the cable railing, the City has had issues with maintenance of these railings at other locations so it is suggested to consider other alternatives that can provide the desired aesthetic.

Public Building Authority

Planning Staff
Mike Reynolds
Phone: 865-215-3827

Case History