Design Review Board

Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 6-D-24-IH, subject to one condition: 1) final site plan to meet City Engineering standards.

Applicant Request
Additions visible from the primary street
1. Under the Infill Housing overlay, the DRB reviews additions visible from the primary street. The proposed addition would be minimally visible from St. Mary Street and E. Oak Hill Ave, based on the placement and the slope of the site.

2. The addition is proposed for the rear corner of the house, which meets the design guidelines for placement. The addition maintains the original scale of the front façade and the house remains consistent with the other houses on the block.

3. Guidelines recommend that rooflines and roof cladding complement the original house. The proposed addition will feature a flat-roof to remain minimally visible; flat roofs are compatible with the original Ranch-form house.

4. Guidelines recommend that exterior cladding on additions be compatible with those on the original house. The application proposes a polished concrete block in a color comparable to the main house's red brick. While basic concrete block would not be supported by the design guidelines, the proposed material is a glossy, smooth-finished concrete block with a color that is compatible with a red brick.

5. Guidelines recommend that parking avoid front yards and parking pads be located behind the front façade of the house. The current parking is located in front of the house, and the proposed parking pads will be located to the sides of both the duplex addition and the existing house. Final site plan revisions may be necessary to meet City Engineering standards.

Staff Comments
New addition. One-story addition will measure 35'-4" wide by 21'-4" deep and project from the rear left (north) corner of the house. The addition will be set lower than the primary house and feature a flat TPO roof, an exterior of polished-face CMU, and a CMU foundation. The addition will feature a secondary entry on the northwest elevation and adjoining double-hung windows.

The project also includes the installation of a new driveway and a new parking pad.

Forrest Forrest Kirkpatrick Fork Design LLC Fork Design LLC

Planning Staff
Lindsay Crockett
Phone: 865-215-3795
1800 St. Mary St.

Fedrigon Smith Irrevocable Trust

Case History

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