

Recommended for approval
by the Planning Commission

RECOMMEND that County Commission APPROVE PR (Planned Residential) zoning at a density up to 4.8 du/ac. (Applicant requested 4.8 du/ac)

See case notes below



Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Details of Action

The applicant pulled this item from the consent agenda and requested an increase in density from 4.5 du/ac to 4.8 du/ac. Staff approved the requested increase in density due to the mix of surrounding land uses and general nature of the area, stating it would not have any adverse impacts on the neighborhood.

Applicant Request


Property Information

7606 Old Clinton Pike

East side Old Clinton Pike, north of W Emory Road

Commission District 7
Census Tract 61.03

4 acres

Place Type Designation
LDR (Low Density Residential)

Currently on the Property

Growth Plan
Planned Growth Area

Case Notes

Disposition Summary
RECOMMEND that County Commission APPROVE PR (Planned Residential) zoning at a density up to 4.8 du/ac. (Applicant requested 4.8 du/ac)
Details of Action
The applicant pulled this item from the consent agenda and requested an increase in density from 4.5 du/ac to 4.8 du/ac. Staff approved the requested increase in density due to the mix of surrounding land uses and general nature of the area, stating it would not have any adverse impacts on the neighborhood.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of the requested PR zoning at a density up to 4.5 du/ac.
The requested PR zoning is compatible with the surrounding land uses and zoning.

What's next?

This Rezoning case in the COUNTY was recommended for approval. The appeal deadline - July 13, 2019 has passed.

Ralph Smith / PLS

Case History