Design Review Board

Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 6-F-21-IH, recognizing the significantly after-the-fact nature of the Infill Housing review and the addition's location on a minimally-visible corner of a property line fronting the railroad and other non-character-defining properties, with the following condition:

1) Specifications for two rear corner access stoops or decks be submitted to staff for approval.

808 Hiawassee Ave. 37917

Alexander Alexander Violette

Applicant Request
Additions visible from the primary street
1. Review of this project is significantly after-the-fact. The addition has been in progress since March 2018 and was fully constructed by February 2020. City Plans Review and Inspections staff identified the project and required the applicant to apply for building permits after-the-fact, which also requires an Infill Housing COA.

2. The design guidelines recommend that "additions should be made to the rear or side of the house. Taller additions should be made to the rear of the house to keep the original scale of the front façade consistent with original houses on the block." The second-story addition is located on the rear of the house and does maintain the original scale and design of the house's façade.

3. The addition's materials are somewhat compatible with the original house, as the addition was completed as part of a broader exterior rehabilitation project which integrated new one-over-one, vinyl windows, installation of Hardie board-and-batten siding on the façade, and a stuccoed foundation.

4. Guidelines note that additions' rooflines should complement the original house. The flat-roof addition and its connection with the original hipped roofline does not complement the original house.

5. The house is adjoined by Kenyon Street, the railroad, and then industrial development to the immediate east/southeast, before reaching the rear property lines of several houses fronting Chickamauga Avenue. The adjacent section of Kenyon is not a highly trafficked street. While the second-story, flat-roof addition does not complement the original roofline or proportions of the house, the addition will remain minimally visible from the right-of-way and will not have a detrimental effect on the overall character of this block of Hiawassee Avenue.

6. Final specifications of rear corner access stoops and decks should be submitted to staff for approval.

Staff Comments
After-the-fact review of a two-story rear addition. Addition was constructed without permits or COA between 2018 and 2020. Rear addition modified an existing shed-roof, one-story section on the rear corner (southeast), adding a flat-roof, second-story section above. The flat roof addition extends to the center of the original hipped-roof pitch. The rear addition features a flat roof clad in asphalt shingles, an exterior of Hardie board-and-batten siding, and a stuccoed foundation. On the upper stories and side elevations, there are one-over-one, vinyl windows. Two, two-light fixed windows are located on the rear elevation.

Case History