Design Review Board
Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of Certificate 6-G-21-IH, with the following conditions:
1) Confirm front setback's consistency with historic houses on the block; if necessary, move the house slightly towards the rear property line, with approval by staff;
2) Include a walkway from the street to the front door;
3) Use horizontal lap siding with an overlap instead of board-and-batten or Dutch lap;
4) Final drawings and site plan to omit rear carport;
5) Final site plan and parking to meet City Engineering standards;
6) Final site plan should include a native or naturalized shade tree in both rear and front yards.
Location 222 Atlantic Ave. 37917
OwnerBraden Family Properties, LLC
Applicant Request
New Primary Structure1. The house is proposed to be located 21' from the front property line. The block has a somewhat irregular front yard pattern, with the adjacent property (218 Atlantic) recessed towards the rear property line; the average front setback of the block is 30'. The proposed front setback should be verified to be consistent with historic properties on the block. The final site plan should include a walkway from the front door to the street.
2. The block to receive new construction is characterized by one- and 1.5-story Craftsman bungalows, some Minimal Traditionals, and some contemporary infill construction. The 1.5 story, three-bay residence is proportional to the dimensions of the lot and side yard setbacks are consistent with the block.
3. The proposed parking meets Infill Housing design guidelines as the alley is unimproved, and the proposal uses an existing driveway extending off Atlantic Avenue. The driveway extends the full length of the lot towards an existing garage at the rear, so the parking spots will be located at least 20' beyond the front façade of the house. The final site plan and parking may need minor modifications to meet City Engineering standards.
4. Overall, the one-story, three-bay façade is similar in scale to the context. The foundation height should be verified to be compatible with original foundation heights on the block.
5. The site plan includes a 6' deep front porch, recessed into the primary façade. Guidelines encourage porches which are proportional to original porches on the block. The proposed porch, while slightly shallow, is compatible with the design of the house and the surrounding block.
6. Guidelines recommend window and door styles be similar, with similar proportions and similar ratio of solid to void, to historic houses on the block. Overall, the house design includes a significant number of exterior windows on the façade and side elevations. The Board may choose to discuss the right side elevation, where two fixed transom windows flank a unique shed-roof massing with no transparency. The proposal includes well-detailed window and door trim.
7. The roof pitch and materials are appropriate within the design guidelines.
8. Guidelines note that "clapboard-like siding should be used" on new houses in neighborhoods where wood lap siding was traditionally used. Board-and-batten siding is not a common historic siding material in Knoxville; horizontal lap siding with an overlap should be selected to match elevation drawings (rendering shows board-and-batten).
9. Final site plan should show a native or naturalized shade tree to be planted in both the front and rear yards.
Staff Comments
New primary residence fronting Atlantic Avenue. One-and-one-half story, cross-gable roof residence measuring 28'-8" wide by 60'-2" long, with a smaller front-gable roof massing projecting from the left half of the façade, adjacent to a recessed corner porch on the right. The house is proposed to be set 21' from the front property line. Parking is provided by an existing driveway extending off Atlantic Avenue to an existing garage, located at the rear of the property. The alley is unimproved.
The elevation drawings include an "optional carport" on the rear, which will not be constructed.
The house features a 7/12 pitch on the primary side gable, with a 10/12 pitch on the centrally-located front gable; roof will be clad in asphalt shingles. Exterior will be clad in lap siding; material is not specified. Windows are 2/2, double-hung sash (no material specified). The façade (north) features a 6' deep, recessed corner porch. The porch roof has exposed rafter tails. A centrally-located, half-light door is flanked by two bays of paired 2/2 double-hung windows. The central front gable on the façade is clad in shingle siding, and both façade gables feature rectangular louvered vents.
The right side elevation features a small shed-roof section which projects, and three different sizes of windows, including one double-hung window on the second-story gable field. The left elevation features three double-hung, 2/2 windows and two small fixed lights. A screened-in porch is located on the rear corner of the property.