Development Plan

Planning Commission


by the Planning Commission

Approve the development plan for a residential subdivision with up to 113 detached dwellings, subject to 1 condition.

See case notes below



Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Details of Action

Approve the development plan for a residential subdivision with up to 113 detached dwellings, subject to 1 condition.

1) Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance, including but not limited to the zoning conditions.

Applicant Request


Property Information


East side of Ebenezer Rd, north of Rosemont Blvd

Commission District 3

33.14 acres

Currently on the Property
Agriculture/Forestry/Vacant Land

Growth Plan
Urban Growth Area (Outside City Limits)

Case Notes

Disposition Summary
Approve the development plan for a residential subdivision with up to 113 detached dwellings, subject to 1 condition.
Details of Action
Approve the development plan for a residential subdivision with up to 113 detached dwellings, subject to 1 condition.

1) Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance, including but not limited to the zoning conditions.
Staff Recommendation
Postpone the development plan to the July 11, 2024, Planning Commission meeting because the application does not address all conditions of the zoning approval.
Zoning Condition #6 (see below)


In the exercise of its administrative judgment, the Planning Commission shall determine if the proposed plan is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the zoning ordinance and adopted plans.

PR (Planned Residential) up to 4 du/ac subject to 6 conditions:
A) The PR zone allows detached houses as a permitted use. The administrative procedures for the PR zone require the Planning Commission to approve the development plan before permits can be issued (Article 5, Section 5.13.15).
B) The proposed density is 3.4 du/ac.
C) The rezoning conditions are outlined in the staff comments for the associated Concept Plan (6-SD-24-C). As of the publication date of this staff report, the applicant has not submitted a landscape plan as required by condition #6 of the rezoning (1-D-24-RZ).
D) The zoning ordinance requires a 50-ft separation for driveways at the intersection of two local streets. During the design plan phase, the corner lots will be evaluated to confirm compliance with this standard.

A) This property is currently split between the BP (Business Park) and SR (Suburban Residential) place types on the County's Future Land Use Map (FLUM). When the property was rezoned, a Sector Plan amendment was also approved from O (Office) to LDR (Low Density Residential) for the area corresponding to the current BP place type on the subject property (1-B-24-SP). The Sector Plan amendment was approved by the Knox County Commission on March 25, 2024, and the Knox County Comprehensive Land Use and Transportation Plan was adopted on April 22, 2024. Because of the timing between these two approvals, the plan amendments were not reflected in the adopted FLUM. An amendment to correct the FLUM map will be on the August 2024 Planning Commission agenda, the next monthly meeting where quarterly plan amendments can be considered. For this review, staff references the SR place type only for compliance with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan since it is more consistent with the LDR sector plan designation approved the month earlier. However, the proposed residential subdivision does conform with the BP place type because a range of housing may be considered as a secondary use.
B) Single family (detached) residential subdivisions are considered a primary use in the SR (Suburban Residential) place type, and the proposal is consistent with the intent of providing a range of lot sizes, is located within bikeable proximity to neighborhood commercial areas, and is accessed from a collector street. It is not feasible to implement the recommended street and path connections to adjacent neighborhoods because of the zoning conditions.
C) The proposal conforms with the form attributes of the SR place type, which recommends building heights of 1-2 stories, front setbacks of 20-30 ft, and limiting new dead-end streets.

A) Per the Knox County Sidewalk Ordinance, sidewalks will be installed along the Ebenezer Road frontage of the subject site and a portion of Road A. This is consistent with Policy 11, which promotes connectivity with new development and recommends pedestrian and vehicular connectivity to increase mobility and encourage active transportation and recreation.
B) The subdivision includes two stub-outs to adjacent properties to the north. The development has one permanent cul-de-sac that would otherwise lead to the same general area as the two stub-outs. This is consistent with Policies 11.2 and 14, which recommend limiting cul-de-sacs (dead-end streets) to provide greater connectivity and redundancy in the travel network rather than a single point.

A) The requested proposed density of 3.4 du/ac is consistent with the subject property's location within the Urban Growth Boundary of the Growth Policy Plan.

What's next?

Planning Commission decisions on Development Plans (DP) are final unless appealed.

Appeals can be filed with the Knox County Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) or a court of competent jurisdiction within 30 days of the Planning Commission's decision (Knox County, Tennessee Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Zoning, 6.50.08).


Ebenezer Subdivision

Eric Moseley, S&E Properties, LLC

Case History