Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 6-H-24-HZ, subject to one condition: 1) final site plan to meet City Engineering standards and requirements of the City zoning code.

Location Knoxville
128 W. Glenwood Ave. 37917

Kathleen & Michael Fischer

Applicant Request
Accessory structure; Windows
Proposed new secondary structure (garage). The garage measures 24' by 24' and the revised proposal is for the rear right side (southwest) of the property, behind the house. The garage features a 6/12 gable roof clad in architectural shingles, an exterior of wood lap siding, and double-hung fiberglass windows. The garage door will be a carriage-style wood door.

Scope of work also includes the installation of new fiberglass windows on the right side, basement-level of the primary structure, to include three, three-light, fixed fiberglass windows.

CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PER 7.18.2024 HZC: 1) final site plan to meet City Engineering standards and requirements of the City zoning code.

Staff Comments
American Four Square, c.1915
    Two-story frame residence with a hipped roof clad in asphalt shingles and a hipped-roof dormer on the façade. Exterior features brick veneer cladding on the first story and wood lap siding on the second story, with a decorative flare at the belt course. Brick foundation.

M. Auxiliary or Outbuildings
1. The design of outbuildings such as garages shall acknowledge and suggest the function of original outbuildings that would have been located in the neighborhood.
2. The design of features like garage doors that face the street small mimic garage doors with an era consistent with the primary building on the lot.
3. Garages shall be located to the rear of the primary building on the lot.
4. Materials used in constructing outbuildings or accessory buildings may only use materials and design characteristics selected from the following list: wood lap siding with a four inch lap or board and batten; a 12/12 roof pitch; overhanging eaves; exposed rafter tails; wood windows; masonry but not exposed concrete block of split-face block; garage doors appearing to be carriage doors or plank doors with x-bracing or perimeter reinforcing timbers.

Case History