Approve I-MU (Industrial Mixed-Use) zoning because it is consistent with the sector plan.
Approve I-MU (Industrial Mixed-Use) zoning because it is consistent with the sector plan.
To facilitate development that reinforces and enhances the existing varied character areas of downtown Knoxville, the DK District is divided into five sub-districts that include tailored dimensional and design standards:
DK-B Downtown Knoxville Boulevards Subdistrict, intended to accommodate those areas of Downtown characterized by wide, planted boulevards, and a green, open landscape.
DK-G Downtown Knoxville Grid Subdistrict, intended to accommodate those areas of Downtown predominantly
characterized by the traditional 300 foot by 300 foot grid pattern established in the Plan of the City.
DK-H Downtown Knoxville Historic Core Subdistrict, intended for areas with a preponderance of historic and cultural resources.
DK-W Downtown Knoxville Warehouse Subdistrict, for the area located primarily along Jackson Avenue and the rail yard on the north end of Downtown.
DK-E Downtown Edge Subdistrict, intended to address areas of transition between the higher intensity of Downtown and adjacent smaller-scale mixed-use areas
The I-MU Industrial Mixed-Use Zoning District is intended to provide for a mix of light industrial uses and a variety of compatible commercial uses such as entertainment, amusement and retail establishments. This mix is designed to promote the reuse of older, character giving structures that may no longer be suitable for their original industrial purposes, but that can accommodate a variety of alternative types of uses. Residential uses are also permitted in the I-MU District, both above the ground floor in mixed-use development, and in multi-family dwellings.
East & south of Vandeventer Ave., east side of Varner St.
Council District 6
Land Use Classification MU-SD / MU-CC 19 MU-SD / MU-CC 19