Property Information
Location9020 Middlebrook Pike
Southeast side Middlebrook Pike, west of Roderick Rd.
Commission District 5
Size5 acres
Place Type DesignationMixed Use - MDR and Office
Currently on the Property
Vacant residence
Growth PlanPlanned Growth Area
- Utilities
SewerWest Knox Utility District
WaterWest Knox Utility District
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
APPROVE OB (Office, Medical & Related Services) zoning, subject to the following condition: Recording the deed restrictions, referenced in the attached July 9, 2002 letter from Huber Properties, LLC.
Staff Recommendation
APPROVE OB (Office, Medical & Related Services) zoning, subject to the following condition.
1. Recording the deed restrictions, referenced in the attached July 9, 2002 letter from Huber Properties, LLC.
OB is an extension of zoning from the southwest and is compatible in scale and intensity to the surrounding land use and zoning pattern. The Northwest County Sector Plan, as amended by the Middlebrook Pike Corridor Study, proposes Office and Medium Density Residential uses for this site.