Details of Action
1. Meeting all applicable requirements of the approved concept subdivision plan.
2. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance.
With the conditions noted, this plan meets the requirements for approval of a Concept Plan and a Use-on-Review.
Property Information
Location0 Applecross Rd
Western end of Applecross Rd., north of E. Emory Rd., east of Tazewell Pike.
Commission District 8
Size20.78 acres
Growth PlanPlanned Growth Area
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
APPROVE the development plan for up to 70 detached single family dwellings on individual lots subject to 2 conditions
Details of Action
1. Meeting all applicable requirements of the approved concept subdivision plan.
2. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance.
With the conditions noted, this plan meets the requirements for approval of a Concept Plan and a Use-on-Review.
Staff Recommendation
APPROVE the development plan for up to 70 detached single family dwellings on individual lots subject to 2 conditions
1. Meeting all applicable requirements of the approved concept subdivision plan.
2. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance.
With the conditions noted, this plan meets the requirements for approval of a Concept Plan and a Use-on-Review.