
Concept Plan


Approved with conditions
by the Planning Commission

Approve the requested variance and alternative design standard based on the justification provided by the applicant and recommendations of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.

Approve the Concept Plan subject to 8 conditions.

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request

KV Construction, LLC - Ellistown Rd
47 (Split)
Proposed Density
2.3 du/ac
Yes - SF


1. Reduce the minimum tangent distance between broken back curves from 150 ft to 79 ft on Road ?B? between STA 1+46 and 2+25.

1. Reduce the minimum horizontal curve radius from 250 ft to 100 ft on Road ?B? at STA 1+00.

** See attached variance and alternative design request form

Property Information


East side of Ellistown Rd, southeast of Washington Pike

Commission District 8

20.44 acres

Northeast County

Land Use Designation? AG (Agricultural)

Currently on the Property
Agriculture/Forestry/Vacant Land

Growth Plan
Rural Area

Case Notes

Staff Recommendation
Approve the requested variance and alternative design standard based on the justification provided by the applicant and recommendations of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.

Approve the Concept Plan subject to 8 conditions.

1) Connection to sanitary sewer and meeting other relevant utility provider requirements.
2) Provision of street names consistent with the Uniform Street Naming and Addressing System within Knox County (County Ord. 91-1-102).
3) Certifying that the minimum sight distance can be obtained in both directions along Ellistown Road at the Road ?A? access point during the design plan phase and before grading permits are issued.
4) A geotechnical study must be provided for the pond predominately located on Lot 31 during the design plan review if required by Knox County Engineering and Public Works. If this is confirmed to be a sinkhole/depression, it must be shown on the plat with a 50-ft buffer. For any building construction within the 50-ft buffer around the designated sinkhole/depression (including the depressions), a registered engineer must prepare a geotechnical report to determine soil stability. That report must be submitted to the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works for consideration. Any construction in these areas is subject to approval by the County following a review of the report. Engineered footings must be designed for these areas. For those lots that do not have a building site outside of the 50-ft buffer, approval by Knox County will be required prior to final plat approval. The sinkholes/depressions and 50-ft buffer shall be designated on the final plat even if they are approved to be filled. If it is determined to be a sinkhole, any lot that does not have a buildable area outside of the designated sinkhole must be eliminated or combined with other lots so it does have a buildable area.
5) The stub outs shall be provided on the Final Plat and identified for future connection, and installing notification of future street connection as required by Section 3.04.C.2.d. of the KnoxvilleKnox County Subdivision Regulations.
6) Providing a temporary turnaround at the northern end of Road ?D?. The design details are to be worked out with Knox County Engineering and Public Works during the design plan phase.
7) Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
8) Before certification of the final plat for the subdivision, establish a property owners association or other legal entity responsible for maintaining common facilities, such as common areas, amenities, private roads, and/or stormwater drainage systems.
Disposition Summary
Approve the requested variance and alternative design standard based on the justification provided by the applicant and recommendations of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.

Approve the Concept Plan subject to 8 conditions.

What's next?

After the Planning CommissionAppeals of Concept Plans and Final Plats are filed with Chancery CourtThe Process

KV Construction, LLC - Ellistown Rd

KV Construction, LLC

Case History

This program aims to increase transit in disadvantaged communities and reduce the impact of climate change. Knoxville-Knox County Planning, in partnership with KAT and the city, will develop a Transit-based Opportunities Map to identify locations for development along key transit corridors that target attainable housing and employment opportunities. Transit-oriented development (TOD) prioritizes efficient, equitable, sustainable development. It also helps reduce poverty and further benefit communities by:

  • Encouraging greater transit use,
  • Reducing automobile use,
  • Maximizing existing infrastructure
  • Reducing emissions, and
  • Providing mixed and low-income housing options.