Applicant Request
Close Street
From 12021
Mee Street
To 07327
Fort Summit Way
Reason for Closure
To facillitate redevelopment of the KCDC Austin Homes property. Nelson Avenue was demolished along with all remaining buildings in the Austin Homes property earlier this year and is no longer in use.
ObjectionsThe City's Engineering Department, AT&T, and KUB have requested to retain any easements that may be in place.
Comments / Recommendations
Postpone this item for 30 days to the October 8, 2020 Planning Commission meeting to allow the applicant more time to acquire all needed signatures on the canvass form.
Property Information
Location0 Nelson Ave.
Council District 6
Census Tract 68
Planning SectorEast City
Growth PlanWithin City limits?
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
Approved closure of Nelson Avenue, subject to any required easements, because staff has received no objections and it will enable redevelopment of this area.
Staff Recommendation
Postpone this item for 30 days to the October 8, 2020 Planning Commission meeting to allow the applicant more time to acquire all needed signatures on the canvass form.
Having all signatures of abutting property owners is a requirement for requesting closure of a right-of-way as stated on the canvass form, which is part of the application.What's next?
This Row Closure case in the CITY was recommended for approval. The appeal deadline - July 24, 2020 has passed.