Development Plan

Planning Commission


Approved with conditions
by the Planning Commission

Approve the development plan for a retail building with approximately 18,125 sq ft of floor area, subject to 6 conditions.

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request


Property Information


Southeast side of Hardin Valley Rd, east side of Award Winning Way, northwest side of Spring Bluff Way

Commission District 6

3.55 acres

Place Type Designation
CMU (Corridor Mixed-use), HP (Hillside Ridgetop Protection)

Currently on the Property
Agriculture/Forestry/Vacant Land

Growth Plan
Planned Growth Area

Case Notes

Disposition Summary
Approve the development plan for a retail building with approximately 18,125 sq ft of floor area, subject to 6 conditions.
Staff Recommendation
Approve the development plan for a retail building with approximately 18,125 sq ft of floor area, subject to 6 conditions.
1) Implementing the recommendations of the Transportation Impact Study for The Village at Hardin Valley by Ajax Engineering, June 2024, as revised and approved by Planning, Knox County Engineering and Public Works (see Exhibit B). A Memorandum of Understanding with Knox County Engineering and Public Works for completing off site road improvements may be required per Chapter 54, Article V of the Knox County Code (Ord. O-23-4-102).
2) Providing a sidewalk along the entire Spring Bluff Rd frontage per the Knox County Sidewalk Ordinance (Chapter 54, Article IV of the Knox County Code).
3) Providing a detailed landscape plan during permitting for review and approval by Planning staff.
4) Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Engineering and Public Works.
5) Meeting all other applicable requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance.
6) Obtaining TTCDA approval of the development plans (Case 5-B-24-TOB).

With the conditions noted, this plan meets the requirements for approval in the PC district and the criteria for approval of a development plan.
The proposal is for a new retail building at Hardin Valley Rd and Award Winning Way on this 3.55-acre lot. The proposed building is 18,125 sq ft and 24.5 ft tall.

There are 3 proposed driveways. The Hardin Valley Rd driveway will have an eastbound right turn lane and restrict left out movements. There are 2 existing driveways on Spring Bluff Way that will remain. The parking in the rear of this site is currently shared with the existing retail development to the south. The easternmost entrance will be shared with Chick-Fil-A (under construction). Hardin Valley Rd and Award Winning Way have existing sidewalks. Per the Knox County Sidewalk Ordinance, a sidewalk is required along the frontage of Spring Bluff Way.

In the exercise of its administrative judgment, the Planning Commission shall determine if the proposed plan is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the zoning ordinance and adopted plans.

PC (Planned Commercial), TO (Technology Overlay):
A. PC Zone: It is not the intent of this zone to restrict potential development by limiting uses. In general, uses permitted shall include office, commercial services and light distribution centers. This retail/office building proposal is consistent with the intent of the PC zone.
B. The PC zone is intended for a unified grouping of commercial buildings which do not require or desire a central business district location. It is the objective of this zone to achieve the highest quality site design, building arrangement, landscaping and traffic circulation patterns possible. This property is apart of the Village at Hardin Valley subdivision, which includes Southeast Bank and Chick-Fil-A on Hardin Valley Rd to the east and the retail development to the south. Since brick is the primary material for the existing buildings, the front elevation for this building will be at least 40% brick and brick will be incorporated around the entire building.
C. TO Zone: Properties in the TO (Technology Overlay) zone require approval of site plans based on design guidelines provided by the TN Technology Corridor Development Authority (TTCDA). This request is scheduled to be heard at the July 8, 2024 TTCDA meeting (Case 5-B-24-TOB).

A. Policy 4.2: Require pedestrian and vehicular connectivity with development. - The main drive aisle is aligned with Chick-Fil-A next door to the east and Chick-Fil-A's only vehicular access is through this property. Additionally, a sidewalk will be required along Spring Bluff Way connecting to Chick-Fil-A. Currently, the parking in the rear is an overflow lot for King University in the retail development to the south. The two driveways on Spring Bluff Way have painted crosswalks connecting the two retail developments.

CMU (Corridor Mixed-use):
A. The property is classified as CMU (Corridor Mixed-use) on the Future Land Use Map. Corridor Mixed-Use areas are appropriate for moderate-scale walkable mixed-use development occurring along major corridors. This development will be easily accessible to the multifamily buildings on Greenland Way and offices on Award Winning Way.

A. Hardin Valley Rd is a designated state scenic highway. Any signage will be limited to 100 sq ft and will not have moving lights per Tennessee Code Annotated § 54-17-109. A blank monument sign has been proposed. It is 83.97 sq ft, which is within the maximum size. Any future signage will have to be approved by the TTCDA Board.

A. There are several recommendations for widening Hardin Valley to a median-divided facility to lessen congestion and address safety issues. While this is a long-term plan, the current proposal of Knox County is to widen Hardin Valley Rd from 3 lanes to 5 at this location. The driveway on Hardin Valley Rd will restrict left exit movements and Hardin Valley Road will have an eastbound right turn lane per recommendation from the traffic study.

A. The property is within the Planned Growth Area. The purposes of the Planned Growth Boundary designation are to encourage a reasonably compact pattern of development, promote the expansion of the Knox County economy, offer a wide range of housing choices, and coordinate the actions of the public and private sectors, particularly with regard to the provision of adequate roads, utilities, schools, drainage and other public facilities and services. The proposed development is not in opposition to any of these criteria.

What's next?

After the Planning Commission
Planning Commission decisions on Development Plans (DP) are final unless appealed.

Appeals can be filed with the Knox County Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) or a court of competent jurisdiction within 30 days of the Planning Commission's decision (Knox County, Tennessee Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Zoning, 6.50.08).


Urban Engineering, Inc.

Case History