Historic Zoning Commission

Edgewood-Park City H: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Based on the additional neighborhood input and the opportunity to update the Edgewood-Park City design guidelines for metal roofing prior to adoption by Council, staff recommends approval of Certificate 7-A-24-HZ.

Location Knoxville
1635 Jefferson Ave. 37917

Austin McLaughlin

Applicant Request
After-the-fact review of roof replacement. Asphalt shingle roof was replaced with a 5V ribbed metal panel roof with exposed fasteners. Roof replacement completed by February 2024 without permits.

Staff Comments
Neoclassical, c.1910
    Two-story, hipped-roof residence with an exterior clad in wood lap siding. Bracketed cornice under primary roof eaves. Wrap-around, hipped-roof porch supported by wood columns with Doric capitals.

4. Materials used in roofing existing buildings or new construction shall duplicate the original materials as much as possible. Asphalt or fiberglass shingles can be appropriate, as are slate, standing seam metal. Or metal/wood shingle roof coverings. The color of roofing materials should be a dark green, charcoal gray, or black or dark reddish brown, to simulate the original roof coverings.


Roofs, Roof Features, and Chimneys
1. Retain original roof shapes, materials, and associated characteristics.
d. Corrugated, 5-groove, or wide sheet metal is not appropriate on the roof of the main building or front porches.

Case History