Design Review Board

Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District


3139 Johnston St

Daniel Daniel Mitchell Habitat for Humanity Habitat for Hum

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
Staff Comments
Architectural Elevation: Front facing gable roof with a 5:12 pitch over main structure. Porch has separate gable roof and is 16' wide and 8' deep with 6" square posts and a solid foundation under porch.

Site Plan - The front yard setback is 33.21' with the porch extending into the setback. The north side setback is 15.02' and the south side setback is 5.09'. The parking is accessed off the alley. There is a tree and private sidewalk extending off the porch within the front yard space.

All detail shown on approved plans.

Daniel Daniel Mitchell Habitat for Humanity Habitat for Humani

Planning Staff
Jeff Archer
Phone: 215-2500

Case History