Property Information
Location414 E. Inskip Dr.
South side of East Inskip Drive at Rowan Road, West of High School Road
Council District 5
Census Tract 40
Size0.55 acres
Planning SectorNorth City
Land Use Classification SFR (Single Family Residential) SFR (Single Family Residential)
Currently on the Property
SFR (Single Family Residential)
Growth PlanCity
- Utilities
SewerKnoxville Utilities Board
WaterKnoxville Utilities Board
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
ADOPT RESOLUTION 7-B-19-SP, amending the North City Sector Plan to the MU-SD, NC-13 (Mixed Use-Special District, North City-13) designation, and adopt the sector plan amendment (see attached resolution, Exhibit D.)
Staff Recommendation
ADOPT RESOLUTION 7-B-19-SP, amending the North City Sector Plan to the MU-SD, NC-13 (Mixed Use-Special District, North City-13) designation, and adopt the sector plan amendment (see attached resolution, Exhibit D.)
Amending the land use designation to MU-SD, NC-13 would be an extension of that designation as it is adjacent to the parcel on the west. The area of Inskip Rd. to the west is a mix of commercial and industrial uses and to the east is multifamily housing. The MU-SD, NC-13 land use allows industrial, commercial, office, and residential uses, all of which already exist in this area.