Other Business


Recommended for approval
by the Planning Commission

Pat Phillips was elected chair though December 2020; Scott Smith was elected Vice Chair though December 2020

See case notes below


Case Notes



Nomination and Election of Knoxville-Knox County Planning Commission officers".


Case Notes

Disposition Summary
Pat Phillips was elected chair though December 2020; Scott Smith was elected Vice Chair though December 2020
Staff Recommendation
The nominating committee will present a slate of nominees for Chair and Vice Chair of the Knoxville-Knox County Planning Commission to serve for the remainder of the current 2020 calendar year term. Elections will follow immediately after nominations ar
The nominating committee will present a slate of nominees for Chair and Vice Chair of the Knoxville-Knox County Planning Commission to serve for the remainder of the current 2020 calendar year term. Elections will follow immediately after nominations are closed.

Knoxville-Knox County Planning

Case History