Middle Housing



See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request


Property Information

2101 Western Ave.

Land Use Classification TDR (Traditional Neighborhood Residential) TDR (Traditional Neighborhood Residential)

Case Notes


Staff Recommendation

The property is zoned RN-2 within the TDR land use area. The proposed duplex (side-by-side) is a permitted MH type subject to meeting lot width standards.

Per 2.4.M.d, the required width at the front setback line is 33.75' (75% of 45') for this lot with angled sidelines. At the proposed front setback of 36.1', the lot width appears to be over 42' which meets the minimum lot width requirement for a lot with an alley. Further Zoning determinations on the lot width may require revisions.

The building is 24' wide by 55' deep, which meets the maximum width and depth for a duplex (side-by-side).

The building is two stories tall, which meets the maximum height requirement.

The blockface has no other buildings and the proposed front setback is 36.1'. The proposed building meets the 15' minimum rear setback, 10' minimum corner side setback, and 5' minimum interior side setback requirements.

The building is oriented with the front elevations facing Western Avenue.

The 55' wide side elevations incorporate projecting walls to satisfy 4.6.E.4.b.

No parking spaces are required as the property is within a quarter mile of a transit route. Five parking spaces are proposed in the rear yard, subject to approval by the Engineering Department.

The roofline is steep, with a roof pitch of 6/12.

The front elevation contains a porch, eave overhangs, and articulated window and door trims to partially satisfy 4.6.E.4.c.

Administrative variation: Planning staff approve the variation on design standards in Section 4.6.E.4.c, to incorporate the design elements of three wooden brackets (labelled as gable cornice), one round gable vent with decorative keystones, beltcourse/horizontal trim and gable end trim, and siding variations on the second story, as satisfying one remaining design element required. The project meets all applicable dimensional standards and the design is similar in scale with the buildings on the subject block face and the block face across the street.
Two-storied side-by-side duplex measuring 24' wide by 55' deep oriented with the front elevation facing Western Avenue, with ground level entrances oriented towards the street. Rear-accessed parking area extending off public alley.

What's next?

  • Appeal to Because of its location in the CITY, appeals will be heard by Knoxville City Council
The Process

Mike Ballinger Rock Creek Construction Inc

Case History