Middle Housing


Recommended for approval
by the Planning Commission

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request


Property Information

1210 Callaway St.

Land Use Classification TDR (Traditional Neighborhood Residential) TDR (Traditional Neighborhood Residential)

Case Notes


Staff Recommendation

The property is zoned RN-2 within the TDR land use area. The lot width is 32', with no alley/secondary access to the property. Due to Article 17.3.B, the proposed duplex (side-by-side) is a permitted MH type on a non-conforming lot of record; the development must meet all applicable dimensional and design regulations of the district with the exception of the lot width requirement that renders it non-conforming.

The building is 22' wide by 65' deep. The building depth exceeds the maximum building depth in Table 4-4 but received a variance in July 2024 (BZA-24-0043).

The building is one story tall, which is within the maximum height requirement of two stories.

The proposed front setback is shown at 10', which meets the front seback requirement of the average of the blockface, plus or minus five feet, in no case less than 10'. The average front setback of the block is 7.6'.

The proposed building meets the 15' minimum rear setback requirement. The site plan requests an administrative variation for 4' interior side setbacks.

The building is oriented with one front elevation facing Callaway Street, with one ground level entrance oriented towards the street.

No parking spaces are required as the property is within a quarter mile of a transit route. The site plan does not include parking.

The roofline is steep, with a roof pitch of 12/12.

A recess or projection in the building wall is required in the horizontal plane of any front or side elevation that exceeds a length of 50 feet. The application meets this requirement via a 19'-6" wide projecting massing, extending 1' from the structure.

To satisfy Article 4.6.E.4.c, the application includes a stoop on the front façade, eave overhangs of at least 12", and window trim of at least 3.5". The exterior elevations also include exposed rafter tails on the side elevations, a decorative louvered vent on the gable fields, and siding variations in the gable field.

Administrative variations: 4' interior side setbacks; a variation on design standards to incorporate a combination of exposed rafter tails, a decorative louvered vent on the gable fields, and siding variations in the gable field as satisfying the third design element as required in Article 4.6.E.4.c.
One-story side-by-side duplex, measuring 22' by 65', with one ground-level entrance oriented towards Callaway Street. No parking provided.

What's next?

  • Appeal to Because of its location in the CITY, appeals will be heard by Knoxville City Council
The Process

R. Bentley Marlow Marlow Builders, Inc. / Marlow Properties, LLC

Case History