Design Review Board

Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District


1201 Ohio Ave

Bruce Bruce Helms

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
Staff Comments
Front Architectural Building Elevation: The roof shall have a 6:12 pitch and be a gable roof with the gable facing Ohio Avenue. There shall be a front door on the porch with a set of double windows to the left and to the right of the door on the front façade. The porch shall have a railing system on the entire front façade. The exposed foundation, parallel to Ohio Avenue shall be 2-3' high and a maximum of 5' high along Ambrose Street (the applicant has agreed to grade the difference). The porch shall be 8' X 30'. The siding is vinyl. There shall be a shake pattern used in the gable of the front elevation and transitioning to horizontal vinyl siding below the eave line. Right Side Architectural Building Elevation: There shall be 2 windows and the exposed foundation shall not exceed 5' high along Ambrose Street (the applicant has agreed to grade the difference). Left Side Architectural Building Elevation: There shall be 3 windows.

Plot Plan: The proposed house shall a front yard setback of 28', side yard setbacks of 14' (south side yard) and 5.8' (north side yard). A native tree or shade tree shall be planted in the front yard. A private walkway shall extend from the front porch to the front property line on Ohio Avenue. The driveway shall measure 10' wide and be located on the south side of the house and property and shall extend 20' behind the habitable portion of the house. The finished floor elevation shall be 101.50'.

The applicant is responsible for building according to the stamped plans/certificate. If the applicant wants to deviate from the stamped plans/certificate, they need to submit these changes to the infill housing design review committee for consideration. The applicant has the leeway of 6" on any stated measurement that is on the stamped plans/certificate to deal with issues that may arise during construction. The stamped plans are considered part of the Certificate of Appropriateness and shall be used together in reviewing projects for compliance. If you have any questions regarding this certificate please contact MPC at 215-2500.

Bruce Bruce Helms

Planning Staff
Jeff Archer
Phone: 215-2500

Case History