Details of Action
DENY the amendment to the One Year Plan map to LDR.
Property Information
LocationNorthwest side Murray Dr., southwest of Clinton Hwy.
Council District 3
Census Tract 48
Size13.20 acres
Planning SectorNorthwest City
Land Use Classification MDR MDR
Currently on the Property
Growth PlanUrban Growth Area (Inside City Limits)
- Utilities
SewerKnoxville Utilities Board
WaterKnoxville Utilities Board
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
DENY the amendment to the One Year Plan map to LDR.
Details of Action
DENY the amendment to the One Year Plan map to LDR.
Staff Recommendation
RECOMMEND that City Council APPROVE LDR (Low Density Residential) One-Year Plan designation on parcels 068PA020, 068PA019, 068PA01802, and the western portion of 068PA018.
This tract is 13.2 acres and is located on the northwest side of Murray Drive, southwest of Clinton Highway. The area was changed from LDR (Low Density Residential) to MDR (Medium Density Residential) during the update of the 2015 Northwest City Sector Plan. The 2016 One Year Plan update incorporated the recommendations of the 2015 Northwest City Sector Plan and as a result both plans have the same MDR designation for this tract of land.
Parcel 068PA018 has both a MDR (Medium Density Residential) and GC (General Commercial) land use designation. The GC (General Commercial) is recommended to remain and the MDR (Medium Density Residential) portion is recommended to be changed to LDR (Low Density Residential).
During the sector plan update, staff analyzed the Northwest City Sector planning boundary for potential MDR (Medium Density Residential) areas and this tract was identified due to its development pattern and proximity to the community commercial node intersection of Schaad Road, Callahan Road, and Clinton Highway.
However, road widening along Murray Drive and intersection improvements at Murray Drive and Clinton Highway would be needed to handle the housing density associated with MDR (Medium Density Residential). In addition, the topographic change in elevation from this tract to the community commercial node makes any future pedestrian connection difficult. There is no bus service that serves this area directly and the remoteness would make people reliant on automobile transportation. In addition, the sector plan recommends a park in this area, but is not listed in the 15 Year Plan section because the limited park funding availability, this was not a high priority park recommendation.