

Denied (Withdrawn)
by the Planning Commission

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request


Property Information

1329 Wilson Rd

North and west side of Wilson Rd., north of Gap Rd.

Council District 3

1.55 acres

Planning Sector
Northwest City

Land Use Classification Low Density Residential Low Density Residential

Currently on the Property
Single family dwelling.

Growth Plan
Urban Growth Area (Inside City Limits)

Case Notes

Staff Recommendation
APPROVE O-1 (Office, Medical & Related Services).
O-1 zoning will provide a compatible transition from the commercial uses on the east side of Wilson Rd. within the C-4 zone to the residential uses in the R-1 and R-1A zones to the southwest of the site. The Northwest City Sector Plan designates this site for low density residential uses.

What's next?

After the Planning Commission
  • Appeal to Because of its location in the City, appeals will be heard by Knoxville City Council
  • Appeal by The appeal deadline has passed
The Process

James M. McKinney

Case History