Design Review Board

Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District


1023 Atlantic Ave

Jorge Jorge Gomez del Campo

Applicant Request
Additions visible from the primary street; Changes to porches visible from the primary street; Driveways, parking pads, access point, garages or similar facilities
Staff Comments
This Certificate of Appropriateness superseded the prior issued certificate and stamped plans that were approved 5/15/08 and 7/23/08. The 5/15/08 and 7/23/08 issued certificates are null and void.

Site Plan Details: The east side yard setback (along Oswald Street) will be 9', as measured from the pergola. A fence shall be located at the end of the pergola and will run parallel to Oswald Street, in a northern direction to the driveway (stamped plans show in detail).

Architectural Elevations: The existing porch is to remain and be enclosed using windows. The new windows will comprise a front façade of the porch that will be predominantly transparent, as seen from the front of the house. The enclosure of the front porch will incorporate the existing 10"X10" tapered columns. The exact size, style of the windows and doors may vary from what has been shown on the plans, due to the applicant's interest in salvaging existing windows and doors.

All other details regarding this application are communicated on the submitted and approved (stamped) plans that accompany the Certificate of Appropriateness cover page. The applicant is responsible for building according to these plans and certificate. If any alterations are expected to occur please contact MPC for an amended certificate. Otherwise building inspections will use these plans for inspection of compliance.

** Since there was a minor amendment the posting date referred to on this certificate is not applicable and the applicant can proceed with obtaining any permits needed immediately.

Jorge Jorge Gomez del Campo

Planning Staff
Jeff Archer
Phone: 215-2500

Case History