Design Review Board

Level 1: Minor alteration of an existing building/structure


This project involves the exterior renovation of the Mechanic's Bank and Trust Company Building, which includes the following scope of work:
1. Clean, tuck-point, anchor, and repair the exterior masonry veneer of the building. This includes the existing brick located on the north, east, and south facades as well as the marble of the west facade.
2. Remove and replace the existing windows (specified in scaled drawings) with double-hung aluminum clad wood windows (or other as specified) to more closely match the historic patterning and profile originally specified for the building. Some brick infills will be removed and windows installed that closely match historic patterning and profile. Remove existing louvered vents and infill with brick to closely match existing masonry palette.
3. Remove inactive and unnecessary electrical conduit that is currently attached to the building's exterior.
4. Repair and repaint existing steel fire escape on south facade and exterior steel egress stair nearest to east facade.
5. Remove existing code-deficient fire escape doors and replace with 45 minute rated doors. Fire-rated glazing to be installed where necessary to prepare building for future residential use.
6. Remove existing fire escape and accompanying door on level 02 on north facade and infill door opening with new brick infill to closely match existing masonry. Infill other openings on north façade with new brick to create suitable fire-protective separation from the adjacent building.
7. The existing awning on west (Gay Street) facade to be maintained or removed. If removed, this will more closely match original facade design.
8. Install concealed exterior lighting to activate the prominent west facade at night.

Proposed Materials (see scaled drawings for material locations)

West (Gay Street) Facade:
1. Aluminum clad wood windows to match historic patterning and profile. First floor and mezzanine level windows are pivot windows.
2. Black concealed exterior lighting fixtures minimize visual impact on facade during daylight hours.

South Facade:
1. Brick infill where required to match existing masonry palette.
2. Aluminum clad wood windows to match historic patterning and profile.
3. Hollow metal frame wood doors.

East Facade:
1. Brick infill where required to match existing masonry palette.
2. Aluminum clad wood windows to match historic patterning and profile.
3. Precast window sills to match existing sills.

North Facade:
1. Brick infill where required to match existing masonry palette.
2. Aluminum clad wood windows to match historic glazing patterning and profile.
3. Metal bracket for support of existing condensing unit.

612 S Gay St

Applicant Request
This project involves the exterior renovation of the Mechanic's Bank and Trust Company Building, which includes the following scope of work:
1. Clean, tuck-point, anchor, and repair the exterior masonry veneer of the building. This includes the existing brick located on the north, east, and south facades as well as the marble of the west facade.
2. Remove and replace the existing windows (specified in scaled drawings) with double-hung aluminum clad wood windows (or other as specified) to more closely match the historic patterning and profile originally specified for the building. Some brick infills will be removed and windows installed that closely match historic patterning and profile. Remove existing louvered vents and infill with brick to closely match existing masonry palette.
3. Remove inactive and unnecessary electrical conduit that is currently attached to the building's exterior.
4. Repair and repaint existing steel fire escape on south facade and exterior steel egress stair nearest to east facade.
5. Remove existing code-deficient fire escape doors and replace with 45 minute rated doors. Fire-rated glazing to be installed where necessary to prepare building for future residential use.
6. Remove existing fire escape and accompanying door on level 02 on north facade and infill door opening with new brick infill to closely match existing masonry. Infill other openings on north façade with new brick to create suitable fire-protective separation from the adjacent building.
7. The existing awning on west (Gay Street) facade to be maintained or removed. If removed, this will more closely match original facade design.
8. Install concealed exterior lighting to activate the prominent west facade at night.

Proposed Materials (see scaled drawings for material locations)

West (Gay Street) Facade:
1. Aluminum clad wood windows to match historic patterning and profile. First floor and mezzanine level windows are pivot windows.
2. Black concealed exterior lighting fixtures minimize visual impact on facade during daylight hours.

South Facade:
1. Brick infill where required to match existing masonry palette.
2. Aluminum clad wood windows to match historic patterning and profile.
3. Hollow metal frame wood doors.

East Facade:
1. Brick infill where required to match existing masonry palette.
2. Aluminum clad wood windows to match historic patterning and profile.
3. Precast window sills to match existing sills.

North Facade:
1. Brick infill where required to match existing masonry palette.
2. Aluminum clad wood windows to match historic glazing patterning and profile.
3. Metal bracket for support of existing condensing unit.

Staff Comments
This building is within the Gay Street Commercial National Register Historic District, so the Historic Resources section of the guidelines apply. The existing awning may be kept or removed, but there is not an intention to replace it with a new awning. On the Gay Street elevation, the new double story first floor windows (first floor and mezzanine) are pivot windows which are similar to the documented historic windows on the building.

Applicable guidelines:
Section 1.C.2. (STOREFRONTS)
Throughout downtown, historic buildings present a front elevation with an individual facade that is usually 25-35 feet wide. The storefronts are divided horizontally into three sections: bulkheads, solid or opaque, usually 18-24 inches tall; a plate glass storefront window 6-8 feet tall; and above it, a clear or patterned glass transom.
2a. Restore and maintain storefronts as they were originally.

Section 1.C.3. (ENTRANCES)
Formal entrances to front facades should be retained. This includes entrances that are located above street level and accessed by exterior stairs. Altering or removing the main entrance to grant street-level access is not appropriate.
3d. Maintain original height and materials for doors that are consistent with the use of the building, such as residential, commercial, or banking purposes.

Section 1.C.4. (WINDOWS)
Appropriate window appearance is significant in finishing a rehabilitation project. From a preservation standpoint, the first and best answer when determining a treatment for windows is to repair rather than replace them. If that is not possible, replacing only deteriorated portions is the next best alternative to total replacement. It is possible to replace window sills, rebuild all or parts of window sashes, and replace window glass, making original windows energy efficient and functional.
4a. Repair rather than replace historic windows.
4b. Replace windows if repairs are not possible with matching windows, including duplicating design, operation, material, glass size, muntin arrangements, profiles, and trim.
4c. Insert windows with the same pane configuration, materials and size as other buildings of the same general construction date, if no original windows are present.
4d. Maintain the relationship of solids to voids with new construction that is similar to other buildings in the district, including the typical width, height, spacing, and horizontal alignment of windows.

Section 1.C.5. (MASONRY)
Masonry features should be retained and repaired; materials, including mortar, should match the original mortar in color and composition. Mortar joints should be sized and struck to match the original. Belt courses, string courses, dripstones, quoins and contrasting brick and stone are common. These features should be preserved and repaired if necessary, and should be introduced on infill buildings.
5a. Repair masonry with stone or brick and mortar that match the original.
5b. Do not paint masonry that has never been painted.

Section 1.C.9. (LIGHTING)
Storefront windows may be lit with interior fixtures, entrances may be lit with overhead fixtures, and gooseneck fixtures can be used to highlight signs. Illumination may also be used to wash the building in light, emphasizing its distinctive architectural finishes.
9a. Use indirect lighting of the building facade where appropriate.

Buildings may have been altered over time; some of those alterations may be inappropriate. In planning exterior rehabilitation, inappropriate changes should be reversed.
11a. During rehabilitation of historic buildings, restore components to the original or an approximate design.

Case History