Details of Action
Approval of the requested waivers from the Design Guidelines:
1) APPROVE the waiver to reduce the setback for the shared residential property line on the north to 20 ft. due to site constraints and because the area proposed for the new building does contain any significant slope.
2) APPROVE the waiver to increase the maximum disturbance area to 4.15 acres due to the location of the sloped areas and the relative flat topography on the portion of the site where the proposed building is located downslope from the higher areas.
3) APPROVE the waiver to increase the GAC by 11,410 sq ft to allow the proposed 24,985 sq ft GAC due to site constraints and because the majority of the site does not contain significant slope. The proposed site plan meets the standard GAC requirement for properties not in an HP area.
4) APPROVE a waiver to eliminate plantings around the perimeter of the building since the building is not visible from the right-of-way and is screened from adjacent residential properties.
Approval of this request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for a building permit, subject to the following conditions:
1) Meeting all relevant requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance, as appropriate.
2) Meeting all relevant requirements of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
3) Installing all landscaping as identified on the revised landscape plan within six months of the issuance of an occupancy permit for this project, or posting a bond with the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works to guarantee such installation.
4) Site lighting must comply with the Design Guidelines (Section 1.8). A lighting/photometric plan shall be provided, to be reviewed and approved by staff.
5) Obtaining a use on review approval from the Planning Commission (8-B-21-UR).
6) Landscaping equivalent to what was required along the building perimeter be reallocated elsewhere on the site in a location of the applicant's discretion. Revised landscaping plans are to be revised and resubmitted for administrative review by staff.
Property Information
Location1229 Lovell Rd.
West side of Lovell Road north of its intersection with Blanket Bay Way
Commission District 6
Size5.03 acres
Place Type DesignationLDR (Low Density Residential)
Currently on the Property
Auto repair facility
Case Notes
Details of Action
Approval of the requested waivers from the Design Guidelines:
1) APPROVE the waiver to reduce the setback for the shared residential property line on the north to 20 ft. due to site constraints and because the area proposed for the new building does contain any significant slope.
2) APPROVE the waiver to increase the maximum disturbance area to 4.15 acres due to the location of the sloped areas and the relative flat topography on the portion of the site where the proposed building is located downslope from the higher areas.
3) APPROVE the waiver to increase the GAC by 11,410 sq ft to allow the proposed 24,985 sq ft GAC due to site constraints and because the majority of the site does not contain significant slope. The proposed site plan meets the standard GAC requirement for properties not in an HP area.
4) APPROVE a waiver to eliminate plantings around the perimeter of the building since the building is not visible from the right-of-way and is screened from adjacent residential properties.
Approval of this request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for a building permit, subject to the following conditions:
1) Meeting all relevant requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance, as appropriate.
2) Meeting all relevant requirements of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
3) Installing all landscaping as identified on the revised landscape plan within six months of the issuance of an occupancy permit for this project, or posting a bond with the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works to guarantee such installation.
4) Site lighting must comply with the Design Guidelines (Section 1.8). A lighting/photometric plan shall be provided, to be reviewed and approved by staff.
5) Obtaining a use on review approval from the Planning Commission (8-B-21-UR).
6) Landscaping equivalent to what was required along the building perimeter be reallocated elsewhere on the site in a location of the applicant's discretion. Revised landscaping plans are to be revised and resubmitted for administrative review by staff.
Staff Recommendation
Based on the application and plans as submitted and revised, staff recommends the following actions on the required waivers from the Design Guidelines:
1) APPROVE the waiver to reduce the setback for the shared residential property line on the north to 20 ft. due to site constraints and because the area proposed for the new building does contain any significant slope.
2) APPROVE the waiver to increase the maximum disturbance area to 4.15 acres due to the location of the sloped areas and the relative flat topography on the portion of the site where the proposed building is located downslope from the higher areas.
3) APPROVE the waiver to increase the GAC by 11,410 sq ft to allow the proposed 24,985 sq ft GAC due to site constraints and because the majority of the site does not contain significant slope. The proposed site plan meets the standard GAC requirement for properties not in an HP area.
4) APPROVE the waiver to eliminate the requirement of plantings around the perimeter of the building since the building is not visible from the right-of-way and is screened from adjacent residential properties.
Based on the application and plans as submitted and revised, staff recommends APPROVAL of this request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for a building permit, subject to waivers 1 through 4 and the following conditions:
1) Meeting all relevant requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance, as appropriate.
2) Meeting all relevant requirements of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
3) Installing all landscaping as identified on the revised landscape plan within six months of the issuance of an occupancy permit for this project, or posting a bond with the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works to guarantee such installation.
4) Site lighting must comply with the Design Guidelines (Section 1.8). A lighting/photometric plan shall be provided, to be reviewed and approved by staff.
5) Obtaining a use on review approval from the Planning Commission (8-B-21-UR).