Ordinance Amendment


by the Planning Commission

Staff recommends tabling of 8-A-23-OA, as requested by the applicant.

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes



Consideration of an amendment to the Knoxville City Code, Appendix B, Zoning Code, Article 2.3 Definitions, to add a definition of ?detached multi-family?; and to Article 4.1 Purpose Statements, to add or amend language regarding two-family dwellings, multifamily uses, and accessory dwelling units; Article 4.3 Dimensional Standards, Addition of ?small lots of record? under A.; Article 4.3, Table 4-1 Residential Districts Dimensional Standards, to amend minimum front setbacks for RN-2 zoning district and interior side setbacks for multiple districts.

Property Information

All districts

Case Notes

Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends tabling of 8-A-23-OA, as requested by the applicant.
The atached amendment (Exhibit A) to the City of Knoxville Zoning Code, Ar??cles 2 and 4 were proposed
by Mr. R. Bentley Marlow in August 2023. At the August 10, 2023 meeting, the Planning Commission
recommended zoning code amendments to enable middle housing in the City follow the process of
implementation as defined in the September 2022 Missing Middle Housing (MMH) scan and the Missing
Middle Housing book, and the applicant appealed the recommendation to the Knoxville City Council. At
its September 5, 2023 meeting, City Council referred the ordinance back to the Planning Commission for
further for review and consideration. The applicant submitted a series of modifications to the City of
Knoxville?s proposed Middle Housing Standards (10-B-23-OA) (Exhibit B). The applicant has requested to
table the proposed amendment.
Disposition Summary
Staff recommends tabling of 8-A-23-OA, as requested by the applicant.

R. Bentley Marlow

Case History