Applicant Request
Close Street
From Houstonia Drive
To the western terminus of the unnamed street
Reason for Closure
I have discovered that my driveway is in the right-of-way in question. I know that I will have to reconfigure my driveway, and half of an unused right-of-way will help greatly. Otherwise, I am left with very few options on parking and access to my house.
ObjectionsKUB and the City's Engineering Department have requested to retain any easements that may be in place.
Comments / Recommendations
Approve the request to close the unnamed street from Houstonia Drive to its western terminus, which is located along the northern border of parcel 058JA00101 and the southern border of parcel 058GF033, subject to retaining all easements, since closure w
What's next?
This Row Closure case in the CITY was recommended for approval. The appeal deadline - August 25, 2023 has passed.