Design Review Board

Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District


1751 Ohio Ave

Terrence Terrence Carter ETHDC ETHDC

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
Staff Comments
Plot Plan - The front yard setback is 25'2". The west (left) side-yard setback is 7' and the east (right) side yard setback is 8'4". The driveway extends past the house, parallel to the east (right) side property line. The porch is 10' deep and 12 wide. A walkway connects the front porch steps to the driveway. A 2" caliper tree is planted in the front yard.

Architectural Front Elevation - The exposed foundation shall be a minimum of 1'8" and a maximum of 4'4". The roof shall have a 6:12 pitch. There shall be a front door and 4 windows facing the street (double set on each side of the door). The mullion pattern in the windows shall be 6 over 1.

Any variation in dimensions more than 6" shall need to be reviewed by the Infill Housing Design Review Committee. The applicant is responsible to build according to the issued certificate / stamped plans.

Terrence Terrence Carter ETHDC ETHDC

Planning Staff
Jeff Archer
Phone: 215-2500

Case History